H3 unboosted = problem??!

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Apr 2018
In China we use Vega China and Tihbar K1 PRO as options for H3N which doesn't need boosting. 3-50 and 3-60 are better for BH
Just wondering, do you have any tips where you can buy K1 pro (in Europe)? I’m looking for an alternative to H3N and if I can do without boosting that would be great.
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I have been using H3 and H3 Neo for over ten years without boosting. Even in speedglue era I only use speedglue to attach the rubber once and didn't take it off until changing blades.

I tried several boosters before and while it makes the rubbers better, I don't want to put up with the hassles. Same with use of speedglue for each playing is too much hassle and lessen the joy of playing for me.

Unboosted H3 and H3 Neo work for me. And I've used the commercial, provincial, national, orange and blue sponges all unboosted.
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if someone like me doesnt want to boost that rubber, what are the alternatives?
some softer sponge like 3-50 or 3-60?
or tensor?

btw. which tensor are the most linear (with the most less catapult)?
how about hurricane 8?

If weight is not an issue, H8 is worth trying really, be careful it takes few hours of training for it to start sending missiles
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Apr 2018
What do you think about the Andro Rasanter R50? I was told its a very hard, linear, rubber with not much bounce but a super lot of speed. Possible alternativ to a boosted h3 naional blue sponge?
Or maybe the Mantra H?
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Aug 2018
I have been using H3 and H3 Neo for over ten years without boosting. Even in speedglue era I only use speedglue to attach the rubber once and didn't take it off until changing blades.

I tried several boosters before and while it makes the rubbers better, I don't want to put up with the hassles. Same with use of speedglue for each playing is too much hassle and lessen the joy of playing for me.

Unboosted H3 and H3 Neo work for me. And I've used the commercial, provincial, national, orange and blue sponges all unboosted.

And with the Neo version, you're not bothered when the initial boost effect is gone ? Does it changes a lot the feeling etc..? I'm about to try the H3 neo commercial and i'm wondering.. :)
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Active Member
Aug 2016
I've have H3 Neo commercial on my FH. I like it. It's about 3+ months old and I got some boost. I didn't have any before. Falco Long.

Boosted it and I've got to say the spin jump was nice. Now this was coming form an older Chinese rubber than had never been boosted and certainly lost pretty much all it's tack. Still very grippy. Just not sticky anymore.

If you have it and you don't mind the hassle of it, sure go ahead and boost. But if you don't have it, you can play just fine up until a certain point.

My buddy at club and I always talk about consistency and the importance of that. IMO if you're under USATT 2000, pretty must 95% of matches will be won by the player who is more consistent and simply has the fewest unforced errors. So to those players I'd argue that while boosting is nice, does it really matter?

2000+ and you get past players who don't make unforced errors as much? Sure, maybe then it starts to become more about who hits with more spin, speed & power of which boosting is probably more important.
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And with the Neo version, you're not bothered when the initial boost effect is gone ? Does it changes a lot the feeling etc..? I'm about to try the H3 neo commercial and i'm wondering.. :)
No, I don't.
But I seldom use the same blade for a long time consecutively because I like to try/rotate blades. So using fresh glue every time I change blade might help.

instagram: rokphishtt


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Well-Known Member
Oct 2015
isnt boosting illegal??

And wouldn't it be simpler to use speed glue? Or are thse rubbers made for boosting not reactive to speed glue in the same way because the chemical properties of the sponge have changed?

It just seems like if you are going to break a rule that everyone breaks (like speed limit LOL), and the point of booster is to mimic spped glue effect, why not just go back to the real deal? Assume you are doing this in a well-ventilated area either way, to save those brain cells.
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Aug 2018
I had my first training with H3N unboosted this morning (on OSP Virtuoso off-) and it was already very good like that even if i have never played a boosted version so i don't know what would be the difference.

Actually that was way less different from a tensor rubber than i was expecting and i could play nicely with it almost right away. Even that said, i feel like i will need to adapt a bit my FH loop, it's indeed different. But i could make it works OK with my current technique

So just to say it looks very OK to play it unboosted to me. Maybe i will feel the need in a few months if the initial effect wear off, don't know :)
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Apr 2018
Big Dipper also works, the sponge is pretty good and catapulty for a chinese rubber even after the boost has gone off, and it has great control feeling.
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I tested so many rubbers listed by others here so maybe I should give my 2 cents here after all. Do keep in mind it's just my personal opinion so please don't kill me :p

To me no1 should ever use commercial/Provinicial H3s if he/she never boosts rubbers. They're really poor bang for buck choice if stay unboosted especially when compared to Euro rubbers at similar price. In contrast boosting H3s HEAVILY would transform them into monstrous performer both spin and speed which I actually really like. Totally different animal.

I recently tried 729's Battle II Provinicial and to me it's playable without boosting and still seriously powerful under hard shots (boosting still recommended though, flicks felt weird/tough without boosting due to super tackiness and tough topsheet). Also bloody cheap. Throw angle is medium-low though (H3 is more like medium-high) plus Not sure if it's easily obtainable outside China. The commercial Battle II's sponge is very dead sadly just like H3's.

Big Dipper doesn't play like your typical H3s at all. Doesn't have the ultimate power against a boosted H3 and It's also a bit unforgiving with long low trajectories, stiff rubber+sponge combi and its super weight. Can work well though when paired with right blades.

Joola's Golden Tango is a very unique animal. Medium-low tackiness. Even higher throw angle than H3 and very easy to generate very strong spin with its topsheet. However there isn't catapult at all for any sort of threatening speed and the ultimate spin is also slightly lacking comparing to a boosted H3. A bouncy blade with good dwell would definitely help this rubber and u would be pretty much relying on topsheet alone to generate good power in topspin game.

Golden Tango PS (featuring Ryzer 50's sponge) would add considerable catapult (and a bit more spin imo) and throw angle less extreme (still very high), but a blade with stiff top layer is required for that sponge to function properly. Try putting it something with soft top ply such as Butterfly Mizutani Super ZLC and the rubber would become mushy, lack of control and less spin with soft shots.

Xiom Vega China is very good alternative and doesn't choose blades. Medium tackiness, high throw, not dead at all even with very soft shots. Best point about this rubber is its control it really does make the goes anywhere u want. Again doesn't have the ultimate power of boosted H3s but still pretty strong and rewards proper brushing techniques. Downside is as mentioned by some1, poor durability which is a common issue among the Vega lineup.

My personal recommendation however is the Andro Hexer Duro which I've just got my hands on. Despite it being almost non-tacky, has a super-soft sponge by Chinese standards at 42.5deg Euro scale ,has a hitting feel of nothing like a Chinese rubber and has a manufacturer spin rating lower than other Hexer variants, I managed to generate more spin than other Hexers in topspin games (excluding Hexer Grip/Powergrip which I haven't tried) and even very close to boosted H3 level under very hard shots (or more than my backhand's Aurus Prime if any1 cares). Throw angle also medium high like H3. Gears/catapult not too much when dwelling sponge hard but soft shots u're allowed to play variety of spin-rich attacks with minimal effort. Flicks are breeze as the sponge/topsheet wraps around the ball nicely.short games maybe a tad less spin but still real spinny and control/placement is excellent. In short it's a rubber that feels nothing like H3 when the ball sinks into the sheet (good or bad thing depends on you) but offers very-close to boosted H3 charactersitics/performance in topspin/short games, while being more versatile in other aspects. Or u can say it plays like a way better version of unboosted H3.

To conclude the above mess, my suggestions for H3 alternative (without boosting) would be:
Best: 729 Battle II Provincial ver. for max power / Hexer Duro for a (almost) boosted-H3 performance/characteristics. If you can find one that is.
2nd Best: Vega China if you can't find either of the above, or u prioritize highly controllable strong topspin shorts over ultimate power.
3rd Best: Golden Tango / Tango PS, if u don't mind hard rubbers and love brushing-style spin shots, backspin sidespin topspin whatever, over everything else.
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I had my first training with H3N unboosted this morning (on OSP Virtuoso off-) and it was already very good like that even if i have never played a boosted version so i don't know what would be the difference.

Actually that was way less different from a tensor rubber than i was expecting and i could play nicely with it almost right away. Even that said, i feel like i will need to adapt a bit my FH loop, it's indeed different. But i could make it works OK with my current technique

So just to say it looks very OK to play it unboosted to me. Maybe i will feel the need in a few months if the initial effect wear off, don't know :)

It is okay to play with new DHS Hurricane 3 Neo without boosting as it is already factory tuned. The boost will wear off after 2 to 3 months or depends how frequent you play.