JTTA: Selection System to be Revamped for Paris 2024

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
At the WTTC 2024 press conference on 2/8, Hirano touched on an interesting point, saying that she can't win with speed and that she wants to play like an adult. Zhang Cheng has said in a Chinese interview before that he keeps track of comments by the CNT, especially Li Sun. It's likely he's been keeping Hirano in the loop.

The term 小孩球, literally "child's ball" in English, has been used to refer to the speed-oriented play of Fukuhara, Ito, and Miwa's brother by Liu Guoliang, Li Sun, and Zhang Yining et. al. Basically, what they mean by that is how they stay up close at the table, forgoing the development of fundamental aspects of their game in exchange for early results, leading to stagnation in their levels as their bodies mature and physical reflexes peak around 20 years old.


Your brain’s reaction time peaks at age 24, study finds
After studying 3,305 people ages 16 to 44, researchers found that the brain’s response time begins to decline at age 24. The descent is a slow, but nonetheless, steady one.


The findings shouldn’t completely devastate you. The study also found that older participants compensated for their shortage of speed with strategy and efficiency.

Human brain doesn't slow down until after 60
"Our research now shows that this slowing is not due to a reduction in cognitive processing speed," von Krause said. "Until older adulthood, the speed of information processing in the task we studied barely changes."

But you grow less impulsive with age, and your physical reflexes also start declining in your 20s. Those factors slow the speed at which you respond to the world around you, but it's not because your brain is growing less sharp, the researchers said.

"We can explain the slower reactions by the fact that people become more cautious in their decisions with increasing age, i.e., they try to avoid mistakes," von Krause explained. "At the same time, also the motor processes, i.e., the pressing of the response keys in an experiment, slow down with increasing age."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
At the WTTC 2024 press conference on 2/8, Hirano touched on an interesting point, saying that she can't win with speed and that she wants to play like an adult. Zhang Cheng has said in a Chinese interview before that he keeps track of comments by the CNT. It's likely he's been keeping Hirano in the loop.

The term 小孩球, literally "child's ball" in English, has been used to refer to the speed-oriented play of Fukuhara, Ito, and Miwa's brother by Liu Guoliang, Li Sun, and Zhang Yining et. al. Basically, what they mean by that is how they stay up close at the table, forgoing the development of fundamental aspects of their game in exchange for early results, leading to stagnation in their levels as their bodies mature and physical reflexes peak around 20 years old.


Your brain’s reaction time peaks at age 24, study finds

Human brain doesn't slow down until after 60
Thats what ive been saying about Miwa's brother. His style is crabby, he is too close to table, and relies on speed rather than shot quality.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Here is Li Xiaoxia's assessment of Ito at the end of WTTC 2019.

Mima Ito
Xiaoxia on WTTC

Right, I feel she's a pretty bright player
She gives you the chill and is rather vicious
Also, she emphasizes on placement
It's difficult for foreign players to break through with placement
For them, it's "BH for BH"
But for her...I've watched her training footage
She's one who knows how to break down a technique to work on
Say, play it until this point...That's similar to how Chinese train
Because she's trained by Chinese coaches
she's absorbing many things from us
For her style, she can only use accurate placement to win
In terms of raw strength, given the limitation of her pips
she'll have a hard time competing with us

That's why she relies on placement and variations, to beat us by disruptions
She's very bright, very keen on studying
She is very attentive to details
Sometimes she's quite vicious when going for the kills
Still, I feel given the limitations of her style
so long as we don't mess up, she'll have a hard time to break through
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Don't jump the gun so fast. I should add that they don't talk about Miwa's brother in that way anymore, especially after WTTC 2022.

Like Cai Zhenhua pointed out during WTTC 2018 on 5/2 (so after Japan lost to England in the group on 4/28), Harimoto admitted in the Butterfly interview after WTTC 2023 that he played mindlessly and merely on the thought that "I could win" back when he was in junior high and high school, but that pureness and explosiveness have vanished. That as his age increases, he can't go back to that pure moment anymore. That compared to momentum, calmness is more important, adding that explosiveness alone is enough for defeating CNT players once, but that won't reach the top. Having gone through the experience in the past 5 and 6 years, increasing consistency, steadiness and solidness is what matter, which he thinks China is at the highest level.

In another recent interview with Mainichi after WTT CS Frankfurt 2023, he pointed out again that he reached 70-80% in one go, but the difficult part is to raise them further from then on and reach the top, which can take another 15 or 20 years, using endurance running or mountain climbing as an analogy.

蔡振华:国乒世乒赛面临考验 张本智和与想象不同


張本 そうですね。2対4の9-11で梁靖崑が上だったということですね。試合前もなんとなくそういう覚悟はしていましたね。過去の戦績から見ても、自分の方が自信があるとは胸を張っては言えないし、ちゃんとやれば勝てるというのは梁靖崑の方にあったと思うので、それが4回戦までは僕の方にあったというだけで、梁靖崑、樊振東、馬龍、王楚欽に勝つには、それを覆す何かが必要であって、今までも自分は何回かそういうことをしてきたかもしれませんが、こういう経験をしてきて、それがいかに難しいかを感じています。


張本 簡単に言ってしまうと練習ですね。


張本 それは、13、14歳から世界で活躍してきたっていうところだと思います。しかも、その経験の差は、他の選手とは一生埋まらないので、自分にしかないステータスだと思います。






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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
The Harimoto sibling seems to have trouble with their aim...

The fact that Kihara, playing with raw pips, is sparring with Harimoto makes Ito's case that she is not fit to be a reserve player laughable (and Mizutani's comment is merely diplomatic to get her out of the predicament). Anyway, at this point in time, Matsushima and Kihara are the most likely candidates.

徳田 明梨, Ito's sparring partner, doesn't seem to be playing inverted rubber on BH?


【打倒中国へ!】エース・張本智和 炎のファイター・戸上隼輔らが会場で初練習!|世界卓球2024団体戦

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
An article on Harimoto from WTTC 2022 by an author who is an amateur table tennis fan.

评论丨张本智和为什么能“打疯了”? (Opinion | Why could Harimoto Tomokazu "play out of his mind"?)
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Harimoto makes a guest appearance on Toyota Times Sports.
Once again, Harimoto treats matches like exams, exactly like Tieba users have always been comparing him to a straight A student who does well against players in his "question bank".

Transcript for the interview:




says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Harimoto's 4-part interview with Butterfly. It's funny how Harimoto refers to the "青い人/Person in Blue" who beat everyone at Zennihon Takkyu 2024 just like how Tieba users refer to him as the "蓝张本/Blue Harimoto" at WTTC 2022. He is also asked if his opinion of Togami has changed after that final.



張本 あの試合は全日本の決勝じゃなければできないと思います。WTTの決勝だったらあんなに熱くならなかったし、最終ゲーム13-13でも観客もあおりませんね。
 今年はオリンピック前で世界ランキング、シード権が大事ですから、インド(全日本と同時期に行われていたWTTコンテンダー ゴア)に行っていた方がよかったかなと、準決勝までは思っていたんですよ。全日本で優勝してもランキングポイントはゼロですしね。


張本 今回、僕が勝ったからこそ逆に同じくらいのレベルだと思いましたね。勝って戸上さんを超えたとかではなくて、僕が勝ったからこそ、本当に並んだなと。


張本 全然、普通に勝ちたいです!誰の記憶に残らなくてもいいので優勝したいです(笑)



張本 本当にそれは思いますね。(世界卓球2024釜山の予選グループリーグで日本男子と同グループの)林昀儒(中華台北)に当たるのもたぶん戸上さんが先になると思いますが、やってくれるんじゃないかと期待しています。林昀儒は強い選手ですが、今の戸上さんだったら簡単には負けないし、普通に勝つ可能性は全然あると思います。アルナ(ナイジェリア)だったら互角以上ですね。僕の中ではそれくらいの評価です。


張本 オリンピックはまだちょっと先かなという感じがしていて、世界卓球もあるし、シード争いで頭がいっぱいなので、パリがどんな感じかというイメージは正直できていないです。


張本 前回は日本で、しかも、無観客だったので、そういう意味では、海外で観客のいるオリンピックは初めてなんですよね。今は楽しみですけど、当日になったらきっと「メダルほしい」って思ってしまうだろうし、今回の全日本も優勝したいけど、途中で諦めかけたのがよかったかもしれないし、わからないですね。「メダルがほしい」って口に出せば何とかなるというものでもないですし、自分が試合をやりやすいようにやるのが一番かなと思っています。
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Ito is making everyone's job difficult with all these petty comments, creating unnecessary friction within the team.

When everyone is dead focused on WTTC 2024, she chooses to deviate (shopping and eating in Busan)...
Tourist Ito out and about with her mom already.

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
The fact that Kihara, playing with raw pips, is sparring with Harimoto makes Ito's case that she is not fit to be a reserve player laughable (and Mizutani's comment is merely diplomatic to get her out of the predicament). Anyway, at this point in time, Matsushima and Kihara are the most likely candidates.

徳田 明梨, Ito's sparring partner, doesn't seem to be playing inverted rubber on BH?

This sarcastic comment made my day... LOL
@user-hf8wf9gu3k 7 hours ago
Back pips is indeed an awkward playing style. It's understandable that makes it difficult as a sparring partner.
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Jan 2023
Harimoto's 4-part interview with Butterfly. It's funny how Harimoto refers to the "青い人/Person in Blue" who beat everyone at Zennihon Takkyu 2024 just like how Tieba users refer to him as the "蓝张本/Blue Harimoto" at WTTC 2022.
it's funny that players who wore the new purple uniform all lost during the MSF and MF lol
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Ayhika Mukherjee becomes the first non-East-Asian player and also the first South Asian player to beat SYS.

0 H2H 1 Ayhika Mukherjee
Grp 1-3 WTTC 2024

A Weibo user wondered about the same thing last September.

One reason I'm curious is because Hamamoto is 1 of only 6 non-CNT players (4 from Japan) to have defeated SYS.

0 H2H 1 Soo Wai Yam
JGT 1-3 Hong Kong Junior and Cadet Open 2016

2 H2H 1 Cheng I-Ching
QF 3-0 WTT CS Macao 2022
R16 4-1 T2 Diamond Singapore 2019
QF 2-4 German Open 2018

7 H2H 1 Ishikawa Kasumi
QF 3-0 WTT CF 2022
QF 4-0 World Cup 2020
R16 4-0 German Open 2020
SF 4-0 Australian Open 2019
QF 4-3 Korea Open 2019
R16 4-0 Japan Open 2019
R32 4-0 Qatar Open 2019
R16 1-4 Korean Open 2018

0 H2H 1 Hamamoto Yui
R32 3-4 China Open 2018

4 H2H 1 Hirano Miu
F 3-4 WTT CT Zagreb 2023
JGS F 4-1 Buenos Aires 2018
XT F 3-2 Buenos Aires 2018
JGT 3-0 Asian Junior & Cadet Championships 2016
CGT 3-0 Asian Junior & Cadet Championships 2014

9 H2H 2 Ito Mima
QF 3-1 WTT CS Xinxiang 2023
WT F 3-1 Tokyo 2020
SF 4-0 Tokyo 2020
SF 4-2 World Cup 2020
F 4-3 T2 Diamond Singapore 2019
WT F 3-2 TWC 2019
F 4-1 German Open 2019
SF 2-4 Swedish Open 2019
R32 4-1 WTTC 2019
R16 4-3 German Open 2018
CGT 2-3 Asian Junior & Cadet Championships 2014

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
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Aug 2018
Coach Ito becomes the focus...

The part where the women take a group photo at the end is so funny. Ito, standing in the middle, is instructed to move to the right side to make space for Hayata and Hirano.

Homecoming Press Conference for WTTC 2024

🤣”…the Women coach is bad, it should be replaced, the Men’s team is just weak, so it can’t be helped.”
  • Haha
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Coach Ito is asked about the reserve player again and her answer is more palatable here.

Ito: "The reserve spot should be left to players who will shoulder the future to experience."


Ito Jota at it again with his weird logic. See how Hirano handles being the oldest for WTTC 2024 and the only one with Olympic experience.

The fact is Ito's age (as well as her ailing body) doesn't leave any room for her to be selected as the reserve player. She would've earned more praise had she just cut the chase and got to the point. Just admit that she doesn't have the youth and the results and it would've been the end of it.

【卓球】23歳が最年長の女子日本代表 平野美宇「不安なこともあると思う」15歳で初選出の張本美和へ気づかい

In particular, Harimoto is selected as the represetative for the first time at the age of 15. "I think her play is really comparable to that of adults," Hirano said, praising her teammates who will compete alongside her at the Olympics. "I was 15 when I first competed in the WTTC. I'm sure she is more solid than I was then, but there could be concerns. I want to do my best so that I can give you pointers when something happens," she said, showing her determination as a senior.

「自分が唯一の五輪経験者」パリ五輪代表・平野美宇 打倒・中国&金メダル獲得へ女子代表をリードする覚悟

This is Hirano's second consecutive Olympic appearance, following her participation in the team event at the Tokyo Olympics. On the other hand, Hayata and Harimoto will be participating in the Olympics for the first time. "I'm the only one who has played in the Olympics once, so I have to do my best and make sure people can rely on me," she said of her determination to lead the Japanese women's table tennis representatives.


Tokyo Olympics medalist Ito Mima (23) =Starts= lost out, ending her third consecutive appearance in the tournament. This marks Hirano's first singles appearance following her silver medal in WT at the Tokyo Olympics, making her the only person with Olympic experience, but she says, "Both Hayata and Harimoto are probably more solid than I am. I think we'll be able to display a new Team Japan (different from past tournaments), so I want the 3 of us to work together to create new wind," she said with enthusiasm.

Ishikawa Kasumi, who competed with her at the Tokyo Olympics, retired last year, and Ito, who is the same age has been leading Japan's women, also missed out. Hirano attended a press conference in Tokyo and frankly said, "I never thought I would be the only one with (Olympic) experience," adding, "but both Harimoto and Hayata are very strong and worked really hard. I think (the key) is how well I can do it," she said, emphasizing her respect for the 2 players who are competing for the first time. "Last time, I relied on Ishikawa and Ito, but this time Ito is gone (Ishikawa retired), so I'm doing my best as much as possible. Harimoto is also doing well, but I hope I can be relied upon if she has any concerns," she said, showing her awareness as an elder.

Harimoto, who was present at the press conference, said, "I'm the youngest in age and lowest in seniority, but I hope I can follow the example of my seniors, Hayata and Hirano, and fit in with the team so I don't feel embarrassed (as a member of the Japan's representatives)," she said innocently.
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Oct 2014
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Coach Ito is asked about the reserve player again and her answer is more palatable here.

Ito: "The reserve spot should be left to players who will shoulder the future to experience."

The problem is that they have already given a team spot to such a person and injuries happen, and then just giving it to someone who will shoulder the future (if I am understanding her correctly) may hurt the present. That said, the JNT is not hurting for reasonable replacement options.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
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Jan 2018
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