Replacement for 999 Super 999T?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2018
I played with those during my early days, but much preferred the DHS G888. I think Globe still makes their version of 999's, is there any difference?

If you want more modern, Hurricane 2 is "supposedly" the successor.
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Spookex said:
I played for a bit with the 999 Super 999T and really liked it, but it was taken off the larc back in 2017. Now I’m searching for a replacement. What are your suggestions?

I suggest a sheet of 999 or 999t that U like.

Both are on the Oct 14, 2019 ITTF LARC are look valid as heck.

2019b ittf larc globe.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2018
I think you like it because it's slow and non-bouncy and further enhanced by the stickiness. Try the original 729.

Speaking about this takes me to the good ol' days. Speedglue some G888, stick it on counter-top overnight, then pump another 2 layers before playing the next day. Play a few games, rip off and pump some more juice before the next game. Don't stop juicing until you see the goosebumps forming under the pitch black sheet and then splash some more for good measure. By that point, all rubbers are the same.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2018
If you can't find the 729 "original" try the 729 Cross, pretty sure they are the same thing repackaged.

Honestly, a rubber doesn't need to be "super sticky" even with regular H3 there is no slippage on ball contact, any more is just overkill.

Good thing about the hyper glue days is that nobody asks around for Tenergy "alternatives". More glue=faster.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2018
Classical, or FX if you prefer the 999T to the original 999.
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