Rhyzen ICE and Rhyzen CMD


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Apr 2019
I found on catalogue that are very similar.
Since I am interested for bh for allround play, any difference in speed, arc, pushes, topspin agains backspin?
Which has more control, which is softer? Any other experience?
says toooooo much choice!!
says toooooo much choice!!
Well-Known Member
Jul 2020
Read 11 reviews
I can’t comment from personal use, but We bought the Fire version for one of our junior players, he used it for a full season of Match play and training. He has good technique, produces high spin and enough speed. The durability in general is good, top sheet had retained its grip, quite a bit of ‘chipping‘ around the perimeter, maybe 1 pimple in.

the Ice version is meant to be slightly slower, if the cmd and ice are like the fire version the durability should be good.
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CMD is immense.
Great control and spin, decent speed when hit through. but two big drawbacks

VERY soft, while super easy to smash with because of the control and good at soft brush looping I found it very hard to do a more killer loop, it was all brush or smash.

Very very curly, hard t actually glue down, looks like its mega boosted out the factory.

its actually very good for an all-round backhand or on forehand.

It's a bit like the old Sriver G3 which I loved.
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