When gluing ox rubbers, is it ok to only glue the blade

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Apr 2016
Read 1 reviews
I’m ordering a sheet of grass d.tecs in ox and im just curious if i need to buy a glue sheet or anything like that or will i just need to glue the blade.

I've never used glue sheets but I've heard they're quite annoying to get on flat and are easy to crinkle. I would just shell out for some glue. Glue lasts for ages and there'll be enough to glue multiple times over if you ever change rubber. In this case, just buy glue and glue both the bat and the rubber. I've never tried gluing just the bat - I always glue both bat and rubber.
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Feb 2020
Also depending on the type of the top layer wood it may be a good idea to put polyurethane varnish on (Walmart MinWax in my case), maybe two layers, remove the excess with a cloth. This is also convenient for the handle since it makes the water peel off and so you can wash the handle after practice (good Covid19 practice). I've done this on several rackets now and it works well. Also my coach told me to press the racket between a stack of books after gluing so I am doing that too. I have been using water based glue and it works well. Also if you screw up the glueing you can easily remove the water-based glue and try again.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2018
Read 2 reviews
I've tried a lot of different method when applying OX D.TecS and the way I do it nowadays is:
1) Apply a layer of WBG to the blade
2) Apply a glue sheet to the blade (The Donic and Nittaku versions are good. Chinese brands have a way too strong bond and will destroy your blade upon removal)
3) Apply the rubber

I does dampen the rubber a bit but it will stay on and moving the sheet to another blade is easy.
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May 2020
I've tried a lot of different method when applying OX D.TecS and the way I do it nowadays is:
1) Apply a layer of WBG to the blade
2) Apply a glue sheet to the blade (The Donic and Nittaku versions are good. Chinese brands have a way too strong bond and will destroy your blade upon removal)
3) Apply the rubber

I does dampen the rubber a bit but it will stay on and moving the sheet to another blade is easy.

I’ll try that when I get the chance to.
When gluing ox, place the ox rubber with pips facing down a square cardboard secured with packing tape to the sides. Apply glue on the back of the of ox sheet and also on the wood. Wait to dry then attach sheet to the blade abd cut with scissors. The cardboard gives rigidity to the sheet and avoids crumpling while being fastened to the cardboard and also helps in gluing it easily. The adhesive tape is only placed at each side of the uncut sheet about 3 to 4mm from the edge in order not to cover a large part for gluing.
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