Xuperman rubbers + viscaria

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Sep 2013
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I tested the xuperman black and red on my Viscaria for the first time today (was Yinhe Pro02 before that)
and pairing is very important, as it is a brilliant paring.
Today was the first time I enjoyed them.

I am very swamped with time, so video for xuperman rubbers is about 3rd or 4th in my "video production" queue and it could take a while before I can complete it.
I was hoping to get it out by end April, but at this rate, it is maybe 2 month to 3 months time....
So I'm happy to open up discussion on it and maybe I can share my info, so I don't forget about it and can read up again in this thread in the making of that video :p

A bit of a background - I used them both (40 deg black and 38 deg red) for around 6 to 7 times now (each around 2 hours)
at first non boost, to later on boosting both.
At first on Pro02 and today, first time on Viscaria
I play Cpen, and have been using H3 blue sponge on FH and Loki Rxton III Pink/Blue on BH, before that H8-80 on Backhand.
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Sep 2021
Do you find the 40d xuperman harder or
Softer than a h3 equivalent? What about speed after boosting?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
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Hi !

So compared to H3 bs, what's your thought about it ? Mainly asking for spin on serve, spin on push, spin on loop (spin in general xD)
Is it easy to brush it very lightly with a strong acceleration on opening loop? Or is it heasier with H3 bs ?
without boosting, the spin on short game (serve, push etc), xuperman black was surprising very spinny.
it feels like the topsheet graps the ball nicely.

on top spin shots, I felt the sponge didn't grab into the ball enough, and the shots lack power.
after boosting, the shots power came back, but the arc was a lot lower, so clipping the net quite a lot and need adjustment.
Today with Vis, the arc was a bit better.

To me, the quality of top sheet is still not H3, and sponge isn't there,
I would maybe still enjoy the Rxton 9 over the Xuperman, but I'm using retail version Xuperman and not special edition.
I will give it a few more sessions on Vis and see
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
Read 3 reviews
2nd test today on VIS
the feeling is getting better and better.

Maybe it has something to do with my proper boosting and not rushed (with previous test on Pro02).
The control today match those of Rxton 9 when I had to scoop the ball before hitting the floor and get a spinny shot over the net, without much flight (keep it low).
To me, not too many rubbers can keep the ball low, so this does show the performance of Xuperman black - with boosting, does allow for those fine margin shots.
too short, it will clip the net, too high, it will be killed.
I normally scoop side top spin, so droping short and if you come and push it, the ball will go long, and I love to see that.

My red maybe needs some boosting, the 38 is a bit hard to control and get the ball into the sponge. The punch, speed etc, is very good, but I prefer more spin over speed on BH as I can always use my forearm and wrist to generate speed.

So far, I am more impressed with Xuperman than the earlier tries.
Pairing on blade is very important.
Pro02 is the same construction, but just a thicker core, so more wood feel to the Vis