BREAKING: Ma Long & Fan Zhendong boycott CHINA OPEN!

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Mar 2016
Chinese people have more sense of humor these days. One Weibo account named "onion news room" posted: shame on you, Ma Long and Xu Xin, you two plagiarized the exact same apology from Fan Zhendong's account. Shouldn't you also strengthen your writing skills?
Then people replied like "No, Fan Zhendong was plagiarizing too! He plagiarized from CTTA website, not even bother to change a single word!"
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Mar 2016
Black humor. CTTA was the first to post apology, then Fan Zhendong, then ML and XX, also the coach...
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Mar 2016
Actually no one cares if players' apologies are sincere or not. Officials just need a "sorry. You're the boss" gesture from players. This apology thing is just a formality, similar like a lion shows his belly on the ground to a stronger lion, signaling "I surrender". So, someone at CTTA drafted this apology, and released it on its official website. Then players sent the same content on weibo account. BTW, their earlier protest posts were gone.
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says The sticky bit is stuck.
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Jan 2017
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Actually no one cares if players' apologies are sincere or not. Officials just need a "sorry. You're the boss" gesture from players. This apology thing is just a formality, similar like a lion shows his belly on the ground to a stronger lion, signaling "I surrender". So, someone at CTTA drafted this apology, and released it on its official website. Then players sent the same content on weibo account. BTW, their earlier protest posts were gone.

Why would the fact that something is posted to somebodies account on some social account imply that (a) that person posted it and (b) that person endorses the posting?

I'm not disagreeing, but even as a mere formality it's thin, an unconvincing event. I'm fully expecting much grimmer and sadder events in the near to halfdistant future. I hope not, but I expect to cringe.
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Sep 2016
You can see the devices they used for the posts, for example ML I phone 7 and XX I phone 6s . The devices are the same as their last personal posts.

Why would the fact that something is posted to somebodies account on some social account imply that (a) that person posted it and (b) that person endorses the posting?

I'm not disagreeing, but even as a mere formality it's thin, an unconvincing event. I'm fully expecting much grimmer and sadder events in the near to halfdistant future. I hope not, but I expect to cringe.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
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Jan 2017
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You can see the devices they used for the posts, for example ML I phone 7 and XX I phone 6s . The devices are the same as their last personal posts.

That a posting appears to come from the same type of device does not mean that it is, and even if it is that does not mean it's that particular player's device. And even if it is, that doesn't mean it's the player doing it. And even if he does, that doesn't mean his hand isn't forced.

Small disclosure-I happen to be a network security professional. Forensics isn't a simple matter, and one if the key things there is that appearances cannot be taken for granted at face value.

If I use the API to post to a social site, the device type is one of the parameters. Similar in this forum. Any post can appear to be from any device, trivially.
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Mar 2016
Why is it so important whose mobile phone it is.
I'm certain players consented to post this shit on their accounts. Because no one treats such apology as an apology. It only gives a better look to sports administration.
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Mar 2016
For us, no one would feel disappointed to see such posts if players posted it. Because we know that's better for players. People are now only mad at how arrogant the authority treats these players
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It made me teary cause they didnt get to their goal [...]
I would not say they did not get to their goal. I don't think they really thought they can bring back LGL with their action. The fact that millions of people all around the world (table tennis fans plus Chinese citizens) are aware of this issue and talk about it is a great achievment in my opinion.
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Mar 2016
Unluckily, there would be negative effect to these players &coaches' future. New players would be cultivated and trained. 2020 olympics may wouldn't have them then. This is general predication in China
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I think you are the one who doesn't know much about China and its culture. You can believe what you want to believe thus gave a different point of view. However, you seem to be a young person with a very limited knowledge of what is going on in the world and only gave us a blank statement.

Yes so an american is telling me that I am wrong. Okay I must humble that opinion. I used to live in China but moved to the UK so I am not completely up to date with what is happening in China but I know for a fact that everything that some people are saying on here are largely exaggerated. Think logically about what you're saying. Do you really think the government would do anything really severe to the top players in the world of their national sport? I don't think so, so stop assuming things and spurting out your nonsense.
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I find it funny how all the americans talk so negatively of China from a few experiences making it seem like it is barely livable there. But, I can assure you that the majority of the 1.4bn people that live in China are not affected by these problems. These small problems that you read or hear are insignificant in painting the picture of what really happens there so stop talking so negatively and so almost arrogantly to try and give your view which is not 100% valid. You are, like I said before, misleading many people about a different culture with a few bad experiences which are not representative of what really happens. It is just ignorance, the main culprit is definitely baal.

"My wife's take is that the whole thing from top down is business as usual in China, and happens there daily.", where is the validity in this statement? It is just a way of deceiving others that may not know much by using other views to back up your own.
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says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
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Jan 2017
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Do you really think the government would do anything really severe to the top players in the world of their national sport?

I know that's meant as a rhetorical question, but let's try to answer it anyway using the available facts only. Fact: the players' deeply trusted top-coach, the very one making a deep mark for a long time now and with an unrivalled track record at that, suddenly gets sidetracked, at a very inopportune moment in time to boot — by ‘the authorities’. Now I'm not saying or stipulating that an organisation as large and complex as that necessarily acts as a single, consistent entity. But there you are.

So yes, I think ‘the government’ actually already did something severe to the top players, and I actually am under the impression that this is what the players have rallied against. Now would it be greatly surprising to see the same entity take further steps to assert its authority? History, recent and past, offers nothing but deeply grim analogies there.