Liam Pitchford signs with Victas. Plans to use V>15 Extra rubber

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says Table Tennis - the sport for life.
says Table Tennis - the sport for life.
Jan 2013
So apparently there are three versions of the ZX Gear blade. “IN”, “OUT”, and “FIBER”. I’m assuming that he’s using the fiber version.
It's the ZX-Gear IN he's chosen, all three ZX-Gear blades are composite, using Zexion carbon fiber technology. The ZX-Gear IN is the fastest of the three.
They're nice blades, all made in Japan.
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Hey Haggisv, You are correct about his blade choice. He posted somewhere on his instagram. I thought the OUT version was the fastest. The, IN version a bit slower with emphasis on spin and placement and the FIBER version the slowest of the 3 rated "OFF". Both IN and OUT are rated OFF+. I recenlty acquired the IN version and it's GREAT! such a joy to hit with! SUPER CRISP feeling on impact (which I prefer) with good control and speed as well. It feels like an OSP Virtuoso -. I'm loving it. According to their website, VICTAS player Tazoe Hibiki reviews all three. He recommends the FIBER version for women :) and personally prefers the OUT version and recommends it for players who prefer to play mid to far distance. See here: The video doesn't have subtitles but just translate the text and you can pretty much make out what he is saying. I can't find the interview with "PITCH" but i remember reading he likes the IN version for close to table play and flicks.
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Aug 2019
Hey Haggisv, You are correct about his blade choice. He posted somewhere on his instagram. I thought the OUT version was the fastest. The, IN version a bit slower with emphasis on spin and placement and the FIBER version the slowest of the 3 rated "OFF". Both IN and OUT are rated OFF+. I recenlty acquired the IN version and it's GREAT! such a joy to hit with! SUPER CRISP feeling on impact (which I prefer) with good control and speed as well. It feels like an OSP Virtuoso -. I'm loving it. According to their website, VICTAS player Tazoe Hibiki reviews all three. He recommends the FIBER version for women :) and personally prefers the OUT version and recommends it for players who prefer to play mid to far distance. See here: The video doesn't have subtitles but just translate the text and you can pretty much make out what he is saying. I can't find the interview with "PITCH" but i remember reading he likes the IN version for close to table play and flicks.

It sounds like OUT is the fastest with the carbon layers under the outer plies. What’s the composition of the IN & Fiber?