Embarrassing TT Moments

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2010
Simply, what is your most embarrassing table tennis moment?... if it is not to embarrasing to share with us :)
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Active Member
Mar 2011
Read 8 reviews
The ball hit the net near to the edge, it also hit the edge and were dropping straight down.. I sayd sorry, but my opponent jumped for it and got it on the table. I was so embaraced, just wanted to dig myself a hole and jump into it.. Haha, and I also lost the match 2-3 15-17 in the deciding game.

Fun to look back at, despite the loss :p
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Oct 2010
My most embarrassing moment is between two moments, both involving breaking the handle off my racket. The first one, I go for a forehand flick, and either used way too much wrist or something... long story short, I'm left with the handle, and my blade and rubbers are in the middle of a dance class two basketball courts over. The other time, I caught my doubles partners sleeve.
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Active Member
Sep 2011
Read 4 reviews
Can't think of an all time embarrassing moment, but I have to say that I won a point while also embarrassing myself at my local club. Had a shot out wide to my BH and I went for a forehand, but my ankle curled and I ended falling/rolling into another court luckily they had just finished their point, but my opponent was so distracted by my fall that he missed the easy open court and I won the point. Still pretty embarrassing to just sort of roll sideways into another person's court.
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Mar 2012
I was playing a rapidly improving loop-crazy junior at a US Nationals, I didn't feel too badly losing the first game 22-20, but he concluded the best of 3 to 21 by winning the second game 21-3. :) Great between game coaching. (play to his backhand, they told him.) When the score sheet was returned to the control desk three different people asked me if there was a typo or mistake in the score. Worse yet, I was being observed in the match by my boss and friend, Richard Lee. His post-match comment to me was "Hopeless, man. Just hopeless." I think the kid gained 600 rating points at the tournament, so I had company, but still! 22-20, 21-3. I still carry that one with me.
Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
Great thread!!:) I love the one M.O.S.Serve got beaten by a 15 year old girl. Obviously your silly serves didn't have any effect on her. hehe I was beaten by a 70 year old man mate, I don't know which is worse:)

Alexander hit his nose with his racket, I hit my forehead with my racket so many times I lost count:)

Reborn's racket slipped out of his hand and hit the girl on the next table??! That was just hilarious buddy:p Never happened to me. But once I was playing doubles, my partner was slow getting out of the way on my FH. I took a big swing and my racket hit his butt and flew across the table! I saw the opponents running for cover:)

But the most embarrassing has to be in 1993 when I was playing in Romford, UK. I was going for a wide, very low FH. My knee hit my lips after executing the shot. The game had to stopped because my lips were bleeding profusely and on top of that, I chipped my front tooth. For two months before I got it capped, people were avoiding me coz they thought I was a brawler and a thug.

After all the embarrassments that happened to me, they're nothing compared to what happened to Dan!! hahahaha Hilarious buddy!! Nice one:p
says Begonnen bij TTC Damme, vorig jaar bij TTC Pipolic en nu...
says Begonnen bij TTC Damme, vorig jaar bij TTC Pipolic en nu...
May 2011
I tripped over a barrier once, falling face-flat to the floor.

I did a major FH loop and hit myself with the edge of the blade right in the middle of my forehead.
I had a vertical bruise running down my forehead for like 2 weeks. Just try explaining that to the people at work :p
says Begonnen bij TTC Damme, vorig jaar bij TTC Pipolic en nu...
says Begonnen bij TTC Damme, vorig jaar bij TTC Pipolic en nu...
May 2011
Oh, I also had the "chopping your blade into your knee" - incident :)

It *******ing hurts man, it really really hurts!!!
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Well-Known Member
May 2011
When I'm pissed about losing a match I sometimes throw my bat in my bag (after my towel so it will land soft at least^^). One time, I missed my bag by a full metre (starting point of throw: 2 metres above the bag), so my bat hit the floor and broke. I wasn't even that pissed, but everybody thought I was a pretty bad loser for breaking my bat after a lost match haha. The following match I had to play with my spare bat, which actually went better, but I still didnt win :p