Help the noob

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Hey guys,
I was hoping that I might be able to get some help from y'all. I started playing table tennis 8 months ago (at the start of 2014). My old man got me a Butterfly Andrzej Grubba ALL+ with a flared handle and two Butterfly Sriver rubbers to go with it. They were and still are fantastic, but I feel that now since my strokes actually work (that is, I've developed them), I could use something with a little more to it. So, I've decided to spring for the Butterfly Tenergy 80-FX. I'm faced with one problem: what blade should I get? I adore the Grubba because it is fairly light, but mostly because I "feel" the shots. That is, there are vibrations that run through the racket every time it makes contact with the ball. It's an absolutely wonderful sensation because it almost adds another dimension to the game. I tried out my old man's Butterfly Timo Boll ALC, but it felt absolutely "dead"; an otterbox phone case would have produced more vibrations. However, from what I understand, most fast blades feel "dead". Can anyone recommend anything? I've looked at the butterfly combo with the Balsa Carbo X5 blade, but I don't know anything about the blade.

Lastly, as many people have noticed, I only have experience with butterfly. I am reticent about purchasing from a brand that is off the beaten path. Therefore, I would appreciate suggestions from well-known reputable companies such as:

I would imagine that this list is not all inclusive, but I hope that my point is well taken. Thanks in advance for any help.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2014
Read 12 reviews
the blade type you want is an all wood as they give the 'feel of the ball'.
Most 5.ply wood blades will give you this feel.

However,you are finding the 5 ply a bit slow-next option is to go for a 7-ply wont give you the same feel as a 5-ply,but will still have some of that feel.

However there are some 5-ply allwood blades that are fast due to modern technology eg.

Stiga Rosewood nct v/rosewood xo
Stiga Intensity nct
Stiga ebenholz nct v?
Stiga emereld vps v
Stiga infinity vps v.

Butterfly timo boll w5
Butterfly innerforce zlf(not allwood but still gives a good ball feel-expensive too)

Nittaku also makes very good wood blades but they are quite expensive.

These are just to name a few.

Basically you are looking for a blade in the OFF category.
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Jul 2014
Get with timoboll ALC (Unsure why you hated your old man's but to me its one of the better blades) if you want a good blade that will let you play till higher level. Or get Peter Korbel and use Tenergy 05FX And 05 on it. ALC will work with most rubbers. Clipper used to be a great blade originally but newer versions lack the quality and feel of original. Just my 2 cents
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Apr 2011
At the moment you should just stick with what you got, change the rubbers if they're worn out (Xiom vega/omega series for example, something with good control despite being tensors) but keep the blade. If you're not comfortable with looping underspin balls new equipment isn't going to get you there. You should forget worrying about equipment, just practise and have fun.
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Just another opinion, and maybe in the eyes of many way to conservative. But if your playing for only 8 months, please don't go for Tenergy, Xiom of any of this expensive high speed material. Just stick with your Srivers and master the basics. Seen many of my pupils raise their gameplay fast and they all wanted to go from Srivers (for example) to Tenergy and carbon frames. Results were not good at all. Loss of money on equipement you're not really ready for since your strokes are still developing, and players wanting to hit faster then the speed of light without paying attention to technique.

On a sidenote, I have to say: This is off course different per player, but from what I have seen I recommend you to stick with what you got. Everyone can choose their own setup and that's what's so fun to this game, and should be encouraged as well. After all, what fun would it be if we all copy-paste what Ma Lin does with the same setup (and still come short off talent offcourse ;)) I also tried a lot of stuff out (after a few years), and it makes you realize what you really want and should play.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Super Moderator
Dec 2010
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Okay, other people have said this. I am going to say it, perhaps more strongly.


That setup is great. Based on what you described about where you are in your game, fancier, more expensive rubbers would actually not be a good idea for you. They would mess up your game. A faster blade you can get away with. But it would slightly hinder your game. The setup you have should actually be good enough for you to keep playing till you get up to the level of USATT 2100-2200. Until then, you do not need anything more.

The setup you have is IDEAL for helping you develop good strokes and good habits.

Most people get equipment that is way more fancy, expensive and FAST than they need. With that blade, you can learn to generate the POWER yourself. If you go faster, your strokes will get worse because you will be compensating for how fast the equipment is. Learn to get the power from your legs, your hips, your forearm snap, and your timing first. Any solid player I know can do magical things with the racket you already have. You don't need anything else. REALLY.

I love the Stiga Clipper (Classic, No WRB, No CR, Nothing else, just the Classic) and have recommended it to soooo many people. But, you don't need that. If you do want a slightly faster blade with lots of feeling, here are a few you could think about:

Butterfly Primorac Off- (All Wood)
Stiga Offensive Classic (All Wood)
Stiga Allround Evolution (All Wood, about the same speed as the two above)

Avalox P-500
(I put this one bold and in italics because you said you did not want brands from off the beaten path. But Avalox is not that. It is one of the premier Swedish blade manufacturers. And everybody knows that the Swedes make THE BEST ALL WOOD BLADES, with the MOST FEELING. This is an all wood blade. It is the blade that Kong Linghui used to win a World Championship!!! before Butterfly sponsored him and gave him a blade with his name on it. That is right, Kong Linghui won a WTTC with an all wood blade that is categorized as Off- in speed!!!)

Butterfly Kong Linhui (if you can find it. Not the special just the regular 5 ply).

THESE ARE ALL 5 PLY WOOD BLADES. YOU DO NOT WANT A 7 PLY. The blade you have is ideal. But if you get something else, get a 5 ply wood blade that is rated in the Off- or All+ speed rating category. Do not get a blade that has a hardened surface like Rosewood NCT. They are good, but not for your game.

You do not need to get any of these blades. The one you have is great. However, these are all blades that are great too. All of them have great feeling.

The reason you did not like the ALC is the CARBON. The reason it felt dead to you is that CARBON blocks vibrations making it MUCH HARDER to feel the ball. Carbon also reduces dwell time and makes it harder to spin the ball. The Arylate in the ALC blades adds some dwell time back. But the people who like those ALC blades do not care as much about feeling as you do. It is really good that you like blades with a lot of feeling. That helps you learn and improve your stroke. Stick to all wood blades.
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says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
Great suggestions made here I can't really add any more in terms of equipment however if you upload some footage of yourself playing TT we can analyse it.

I saw you wrote you was having some problems again backspin. I would like to improve this for you so please try to send us some footage and lets improve that game of yours! :)

Welcome to TTD!
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Thank you for the offer Dan, but I'm afraid that I will have to turn it down. Although I am very interested in improving my skills, I won't post anything with my image on it online. For this same reason, you won't be able to find my picture online (even if I gave you my name). That's also the reason that my username is the equivalent of anonymous. Again, I feel bad about turning down your offer to help me, but Some Dude's (that is, my own) rules of internet privacy and engagement (which say that thou shall not post thyself freely on the internet) are forcing me to override this great opportunity. As a lacking substitute, you can send me some videos (they could be of anyone) doing an open-up against under spin. I realize that it will not be the same, but it beats not having anything. Thank you very much. By the way, your review of the Tenergy 80-FX is sort of what pushed me towards that rubber when I was initially considering it.:)