Need help in setup: I am frustrated

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says Spin and more spin.
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So, what I just said:

Course of action:

1) test and check new blade with old rubbers and old blade with new rubbers.

2) decide if you want to keep the new setup, or ditch it.

3) if you keep the new setup, use it until you are fully used to it which will take a few months in total.

4) if you decide you want a different new setup, get something else and stick with it.

Once you decide whether you want to stick it out until you can feel for yourself why so many people love the Viscaria, or ditch the new setup and start over, stick with the setup you choose and use it until you can really use it.

Whatever setup you choose, if you use it for long enough you will adjust to it and start to click with it.

What would be for really really real the best setup for you? We can't know without seeing your game close up and personal.

But from what you described, the Viscaria or any of the blades I listed should all actually be very good for your game.

What rubbers? You will get used to whatever you choose there as well.

Train with a setup for a decent amount of time, put the hours in, and you will groove your game with the new equipment.

And what NextLevel said about how he has spent a lot of time trying different things so he adjusts to different equipment fairly quickly, me too. That happens when you try a lot of things.

But, like NextLevel, I like softer top plies as well. Give me a blade with Limba or Hinoki and I will be happy as long as it is not too fast. I can supply the power myself.

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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So, what I just said:

Course of action:

1) test and check new blade with old rubbers and old blade with new rubbers.

2) decide if you want to keep the new setup, or ditch it.

3) if you keep the new setup, use it until you are fully used to it which will take a few months in total.

4) if you decide you want a different new setup, get something else and stick with it.

Once you decide whether you want to stick it out until you can feel for yourself why so many people love the Viscaria, or ditch the new setup and start over, stick with the setup you choose and use it until you can really use it.

Whatever setup you choose, if you use it for long enough you will adjust to it and start to click with it.

What would be for really really real the best setup for you? We can't know without seeing your game close up and personal.

But from what you described, the Viscaria or any of the blades I listed should all actually be very good for your game.

What rubbers? You will get used to whatever you choose there as well.

Train with a setup for a decent amount of time, put the hours in, and you will groove your game with the new equipment.

And what NextLevel said about how he has spent a lot of time trying different things so he adjusts to different equipment fairly quickly, me too. That happens when you try a lot of things.

But, like NextLevel, I like softer top plies as well. Give me a blade with Limba or Hinoki and I will be happy as long as it is not too fast. I can supply the power myself.

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy

Thanks Carl for your inputs and feedback. Appreciate the fact that you took time to answer my request and have provided thorough feedback. Your suggestions and from others users who have thought through this makes sense.

I have ordered MX- P to see if that makes a difference.

Yesterday I had uploaded pictures of the racket that I used very fondly. Its from friendship though I am not really sure about the model of it.Can you please have a look at those pictures and see if you can suggest what wood type it is. That will really help mein figuring out the wood / blade type that i am looking for, Had I known the model, it would have been fairly easy for me to figure out the blade that best works for me.

I had used Jonyer- H but was not to my liking as compared to the blade I have uploaded pictures of. Can you also suggest few blades which are allwood and OFF / OFF+

Like you mentioned about power generation by oneself, I can very easily do that as my looping / brushing the ball is pretty much sorted along with the power drives.

Personally, I feel butterfly blades are not for me, though their rubbers are good.
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Mar 2013
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He was to use his skills not develop then. He needs something with punch, not something with pillow.

Experienced and advanced players know that Table Tennis is all about the control not the speed, not the punch and not even a lot of spin. Control gives you everything what you need. If you loose control then you will be running around the table chasing ball. Hard punch is good when somebody is pro but I would love to show you the professional players in Poland using "pillow". I wonder how many ball could you answer...
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Mar 2013
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haha the thread is going through the roof because they think you insulted their beloved Viscaria :D
I remember when I played 20-30 years ago there was no internet so we go the equipment from the club and the coach decided the level. Those time one think was certain if you were not high level player all - all+ equipment was enough to do everything what you need and good for development.
These days people watching easily best players in the world and want to play the same level, so they run many threads about what is Ma Long setup and s on.. And instead of working hard on technique and footwork they spend a lot of time of forums asking multiple questions about equipment.
Of course it is great for the TT shops who can sell more goods.
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I remember when I played 20-30 years ago there was no internet so we go the equipment from the club and the coach decided the level. Those time one think was certain if you were not high level player all - all+ equipment was enough to do everything what you need and good for development.
These days people watching easily best players in the world and want to play the same level, so they run many threads about what is Ma Long setup and s on.. And instead of working hard on technique and footwork they spend a lot of time of forums asking multiple questions about equipment.
Of course it is great for the TT shops who can sell more goods.

I think you are diverting from the topic. The topic here is not " Whether I should work on technique or equipment.
I very well know my technique. You are presuming that my technique is not good or that viscaris is fine but my technique is not.

Not everyone who ventures for the right kind of equipment has a bad technique
You don't tell a Samurai to work on his technique when he is looking for a right sword.

The generatl presumption is " Oh another amateur.. saw Ma Long, now wants to buy his equipment..hey go...practice footwork"FYI..i still have my old blade for good 20 years now, so I know what I am talking about.

If you play with an allround blade with hard rubbers and I give you a defensive blade and a rubber with pimples out and tell you ..please work on your technique, that will be outrighly stupid.

Would rather appreciate if you could have suggested a blade. I hail from the same club days where funds were limited and there was no penetration of internet and blade technology was not that advanced and complicated.

That is the advantage we have now and its better to use it. Choosing the right equipment is really important as it can not only take your strengths to next level but also gives you options to try new techniques.
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Mar 2013
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I think you are diverting from the topic. The topic here is not " Whether I should work on technique or equipment.
I very well know my technique. You are presuming that my technique is not good or that viscaris is fine but my technique is not.

Not everyone who ventures for the right kind of equipment has a bad technique
You don't tell a Samurai to work on his technique when he is looking for a right sword.

The generatl presumption is " Oh another amateur.. saw Ma Long, now wants to buy his equipment..hey go...practice footwork"FYI..i still have my old blade for good 20 years now, so I know what I am talking about.

If you play with an allround blade with hard rubbers and I give you a defensive blade and a rubber with pimples out and tell you ..please work on your technique, that will be outrighly stupid.

Would rather appreciate if you could have suggested a blade. I hail from the same club days where funds were limited and there was no penetration of internet and blade technology was not that advanced and complicated.

That is the advantage we have now and its better to use it. Choosing the right equipment is really important as it can not only take your strengths to next level but also gives you options to try new techniques.

ok you got me. So I will try to explain it further:
I do not know how it is in your Country but in Europe if you are a proffesional player you have your club you have your coach and the club buy equipment for you. That means your technique and footwork is solid enough to represent your club in good leagues or high tournaments. In that case your coach will know what is the best solution for you. And definitely you will not ask this kind of questions on forum where 99% of users are amateurs. Of course they changed so many blades and rubbers trying to find good solution for poor technique. If you ask any pro player most of cases the play one blade for whole life or maybe two. I remember interview with Marcos Freitas who said he bought at his early age Bty Maze blade and still use it.
Other thing is that pro player knows exactly what he needs. It is always something for something.

Considering that I assumed you are not high level pro player, but maybe situation in your country is much different from here...
Anyway I also changed few blades and mutliple rubbers but everyone needs something else. If something is good for me, that does not mean it is good for te other guy. Also good player can easily and shorty adapt to any equipment. Probably if I gave Marcos Freitas my setup he still be playing top, but he will probably say "it is too soft for me".
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Dec 2015
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No need to be passively aggressive here... Just because you can do certain shots with a blade doesn't mean there are no better options for that kind of play.

Personally I used mostly light all wood OFF- blades for most of my life. I liked doing rather slow spinny topspins from mid distance as well as blocking close to the table, then I started training more and worked on my technique. There was a point I felt like my blade reached it's limits. My shots were consistent but I was sure with a more stiff and heavier blade I would be more deadly so I went from 80g Adidas Avengers Off- to 90g Ovtcharov True Carbon and my balls come like from a rocketlauncher, ratingwise I am currently the 2nd highest in our club from #6-8 half a year ago.

So when you say that pro players are an example why you should stick to your blade you can also argue that the right blade choice might help you "cover up" technical flaws.
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ok you got me. So I will try to explain it further:
I do not know how it is in your Country but in Europe if you are a proffesional player you have your club you have your coach and the club buy equipment for you. That means your technique and footwork is solid enough to represent your club in good leagues or high tournaments. In that case your coach will know what is the best solution for you. And definitely you will not ask this kind of questions on forum where 99% of users are amateurs. Of course they changed so many blades and rubbers trying to find good solution for poor technique. If you ask any pro player most of cases the play one blade for whole life or maybe two. I remember interview with Marcos Freitas who said he bought at his early age Bty Maze blade and still use it.
Other thing is that pro player knows exactly what he needs. It is always something for something.

Considering that I assumed you are not high level pro player, but maybe situation in your country is much different from here...
Anyway I also changed few blades and mutliple rubbers but everyone needs something else. If something is good for me, that does not mean it is good for te other guy. Also good player can easily and shorty adapt to any equipment. Probably if I gave Marcos Freitas my setup he still be playing top, but he will probably say "it is too soft for me".

There is a difference between adapting and optimising.Every new setup requires some adjustment which I understand but I do not see any reason on why I will adapt unnecessarily and change my game style for a configuration which is not best for me.
Also,coaches can be awesome and morons when it comes to equipment. A player would know best what works for him.Coach can only provide guidance.

Also,your logic is flawed.Not every pro has a same blade since he started playing. Doesn't happen like that for everybody. Some may choose the old blade as their only blade and some may switch.Depends on what works. Take a look at so many players who have customised blades. Also what good is a footwork or technique if the equipment is not appropriate for you. Also would being a pro is a benchmark for if you are not a pro that implies that you can't handle th equipment ?.

so a pro doesn't improve on the technique or footwork? What if for an intermediate player technique was right but the equipment was a mismatch? I find your approach pretty stagnated honestly.

And let me politely say here,on technique and footwork, I can show you fat old men with no footwork and barely any modern technique but can make a good player perspire with their game because their playing style is really different and weird. They are generally found in offices here in India and they don't participate in open tournaments. since they are not visible, they are like shock element because by the time you understand their game,the match is over.

what I am trying to say is that one can't have a fixed stance on how it should be.Ofcourse the basics should be right else why would one spend so much. If you read my original post, it says I am not liking it,not that I am not able to handle it.
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On a sidenote I tried stiga clipperwood with Rakza 7 on FH & BH from one of my training buddies..Wooden feel yes but it was a tad bit slow for me. I surely need a racket faster than that. Top of the clipper wood blade could have been lighter.

Also I spoke to one of the DHS DISTRIBUTORS today.He was more than happy to talk me through on the options.Also, they have a coach who is ranked in India and he can meet for a discussion. Will visit them next week.Might be an interesting discussion. He was not hard pressed to sell and that is what I liked.
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says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
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Nov 2010
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If you ask any pro player most of cases the play one blade for whole life or maybe two.

I have asked that question to several pro players. They don't always give the same answer, although that is ONE of the answers I have gotten more than once.
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Mar 2017
my advice would be to use ryzhm cause it is hard and good for punching but you can still loop with it and maybe still use viscaria maybe change to joola f5 or f6 blade
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Jan 2013
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By looking at your 115g classic no wonder you found modern thin and flex blades lacking punch. Personally I have not play anything like that but if you want to stay with something similar in feel like a bazooka then you might need to find a new blade in the same structure and weight. I guess the DHS guy will recommend you their model 08.


Or even better to get the Classic 08 Limited Edition. Just ask for the heaviest they can get. I think they are easily above 110g.
DHS 08 classic.jpgdhs 08 classic 2.jpg

From modern blades I have, the thickest and stiffest is Donic World Champion 89 Persson Off+. But mine is under 180g with tensor rubbers so it is lacking power comparing to the similar but softer Donic WC 89 Waldner Off in 205g. Another 205g setup I love is Stiga 245 with Airoc both sides. It packs lots of punch with a bit of flex. But I bet any of these is way different than the solid, heavy and thick all wood classic.
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By looking at your 115g classic no wonder you found modern thin and flex blades lacking punch. Personally I have not play anything like that but if you want to stay with something similar in feel like a bazooka then you might need to find a new blade in the same structure and weight. I guess the DHS guy will recommend you their model 08.

View attachment 12363View attachment 12364View attachment 12365

Or even better to get the Classic 08 Limited Edition. Just ask for the heaviest they can get. I think they are easily above 110g.
View attachment 12366View attachment 12367

From modern blades I have, the thickest and stiffest is Donic World Champion 89 Persson Off+. But mine is under 180g with tensor rubbers so it is lacking power comparing to the similar but softer Donic WC 89 Waldner Off in 205g. Another 205g setup I love is Stiga 245 with Airoc both sides. It packs lots of punch with a bit of flex. But I bet any of these is way different than the solid, heavy and thick all wood classic.

mate this stuff is really similar to what I had.kudos to you.will do the research on this.Thanks
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Hey i am not saying pro in that connect inspite it means how much you have developed your stroke.It is highly advisable to begin with intermediate rubber and then go for hing tensor rubber.It's my personal experience and of course some player can use T05 after mark V but majority people cant cope up with this.

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says Spin and more spin.
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By looking at your 115g classic no wonder you found modern thin and flex blades lacking punch. Personally I have not play anything like that but if you want to stay with something similar in feel like a bazooka then you might need to find a new blade in the same structure and weight. I guess the DHS guy will recommend you their model 08.

View attachment 12363View attachment 12364View attachment 12365

Or even better to get the Classic 08 Limited Edition. Just ask for the heaviest they can get. I think they are easily above 110g.
View attachment 12366View attachment 12367

From modern blades I have, the thickest and stiffest is Donic World Champion 89 Persson Off+. But mine is under 180g with tensor rubbers so it is lacking power comparing to the similar but softer Donic WC 89 Waldner Off in 205g. Another 205g setup I love is Stiga 245 with Airoc both sides. It packs lots of punch with a bit of flex. But I bet any of these is way different than the solid, heavy and thick all wood classic.

Great post. I think TurboZ has this right. Especially if you found a Clipper too slow. I actually missed the detail that your old blade was 115 grams.

It will be an adventure trying to find a blade with that kind of weight. But DHS may be your best bet.

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