Boosting esn 53 hardness rubber

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Jan 2019
Has anyone tried boosting 53 hardness esn rubbers?How do they feel after boosting? Moreover, what is best one or two layers?
says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
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Jan 2012

ITTF announced Magic Pen, a pocket size IR spectrometer to control the oily boosters. It is an affordable price of USD 600.

/Be happy/
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i tried boosting them all even an unreleased 60 degree Omega 7 Hyper. It did not soften much on 2 layers of falco. it did became faster. tried boosting O7 asia (52.5), O7 Tour (54 degrees)`, they need at least 3 layers to have the effect with falco. with seamoon, probably 3 layers are enough.
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Jan 2019
Do they become too fast that it is tough to control? do they lose their linear feeling after boosting with falco?
i tried boosting them all even an unreleased 60 degree Omega 7 Hyper. It did not soften much on 2 layers of falco. it did became faster. tried boosting O7 asia (52.5), O7 Tour (54 degrees)`, they need at least 3 layers to have the effect with falco. with seamoon, probably 3 layers are enough.
Boosting a new unused ESN tensor is a bullshit.
An Omega VII rubber will be Omega VII for 3,5,6 months or whatever.
If you boost a new Omega VII rubber you get "something", but not O7 anymore, and after a month you get "nothing".
If you are desperately itching to boost ESN, try with old discarded sheets.
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Apr 2019
I'll share my experience with Tibhar MX-P 50.
Out of the package is just a heavy rubber (75 gr uncut) which is OK-ish for the first two weeks, after that is only heavy.
Then I put 3 layers of Falco Tempo Long, with a 24h break after each layer. It was even heavier, but it also expanded and I cut the excess rubber. For the next week and a half it was a beast, pretty much everything was better. The dwell time was greatly improved and the control was much better. When the booster faded away it became dull again.
My impression is that the new hard and heavy ESN rubbers have a sponge made for boosting.
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Jan 2019
Did the speed increase a lot? I am playing with unboosted r53 on forehand as i like the hard feeling on forehand. I am just boosting the one on my backhand side to make it a little softer ( i know some will say get a softer rubber, but i got 4 rasanters and wanna use them on both sides and i love the grip of the rubber so easy to backhand flip with it ). I am just worried that after 2 layers of booster will the rubber become too fast or does it still have good control?

Moreover, after the booster faded away was the rubber completely dead or was it at the unboosted level of play?
I'll share my experience with Tibhar MX-P 50.
Out of the package is just a heavy rubber (75 gr uncut) which is OK-ish for the first two weeks, after that is only heavy.
Then I put 3 layers of Falco Tempo Long, with a 24h break after each layer. It was even heavier, but it also expanded and I cut the excess rubber. For the next week and a half it was a beast, pretty much everything was better. The dwell time was greatly improved and the control was much better. When the booster faded away it became dull again.
My impression is that the new hard and heavy ESN rubbers have a sponge made for boosting.
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Apr 2019
The hard feel is gone, the ball doesn't leave the blade as fast as before. Much easier to do flicks. Usually, I hesitate to do flicks because the ball has a very short contact time with the blade, with booster I can feel the ball stays more and I can place it where I want. If it's a floating ball the chances of mistake without booster are higher.

You can start boosting with a thin layer, then with a more generous layer, then with 2 layers.

After the booster effect was gone the rubber was at the level before boosting which was almost dead. :)

Another thing I remembered was the feeling that I could handle a faster blade with boosted rubbers because of the higher control I had.

Keep in mind that not all rubbers react the same to booster, lets say on MX-P 50 the effect is greater than it is on MX-S, and I saw just a slightly improvement on Fastarc G-1 (older technology sponge?).
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Active Member
Jan 2019
Hey yogi,

Do they become too fast that it is tough to control? do they lose their linear feeling after boosting with falco?
i tried boosting them all even an unreleased 60 degree Omega 7 Hyper. It did not soften much on 2 layers of falco. it did became faster. tried boosting O7 asia (52.5), O7 Tour (54 degrees)`, they need at least 3 layers to have the effect with falco. with seamoon, probably 3 layers are enough.
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Jan 2019
The hard feel is gone, the ball doesn't leave the blade as fast as before. Much easier to do flicks. Usually, I hesitate to do flicks because the ball has a very short contact time with the blade, with booster I can feel the ball stays more and I can place it where I want. If it's a floating ball the chances of mistake without booster are higher.

You can start boosting with a thin layer, then with a more generous layer, then with 2 layers.

After the booster effect was gone the rubber was at the level before boosting which was almost dead. :)

Another thing I remembered was the feeling that I could handle a faster blade with boosted rubbers because of the higher control I had.

Keep in mind that not all rubbers react the same to booster, lets say on MX-P 50 the effect is greater than it is on MX-S, and I saw just a slightly improvement on Fastarc G-1 (older technology sponge?).
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Oct 2019
Did the speed increase a lot? I am playing with unboosted r53 on forehand as i like the hard feeling on forehand. I am just boosting the one on my backhand side to make it a little softer ( i know some will say get a softer rubber, but i got 4 rasanters and wanna use them on both sides and i love the grip of the rubber so easy to backhand flip with it ). I am just worried that after 2 layers of booster will the rubber become too fast or does it still have good control?

Moreover, after the booster faded away was the rubber completely dead or was it at the unboosted level of play?

how did your boosting experiment go?
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Jan 2019
I didn’t like it.The rubber lost its characteristics and became too loose. The dwell increased but the linear nature wasn’t there anymore. I think I prefer R53 unboosted.
Hey yogi,

Do they become too fast that it is tough to control? do they lose their linear feeling after boosting with falco?
Not too fast. I boosted them a month after usage. It had better control due to partial softening.
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Feb 2018
Read 2 reviews
Keep in mind that not all rubbers react the same to booster, lets say on MX-P 50 the effect is greater than it is on MX-S, and I saw just a slightly improvement on Fastarc G-1 (older technology sponge?).

Slightly off topic but I tried Falco Long on my old sheet of G-1 when I replaced it with a new one. It initially felt weird but after using it for a few practices it’s actually very good. The speed hasn’t increased but the spin is insane when looping and serving. The arc when looping is also completely different (higher).