Chen Meng's using W968

says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
Why would those 2 blades be similar if construction is different?
Remember the old saying that a Pro could beat us "commoners" using a shoe for a bat. ???
All decent quality blades are similar, the difference becomes most apparent when we play for a good while with one blade and then pick up another one. Then one needs adjusting. Does not actually takes that long either.
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May 2011
Why would those 2 blades be similar if construction is different?

According to objective testing, C45 is the closest in playing quality to a HL5, basically a faster/stiffer HL5 with similar potential for dwell. The 968 is kind of like that as well, dwelly for how fast it is. Why would they be so similar? No idea. But it appears that they are. One thing I'll note though, is that the 968 has an even softer touch in the short game than the HL5, perhaps that holds vs. the C45 as well and that could make the difference for pros.
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Sep 2013
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Rubbers are not tailor made, they're specifically selected. Each player has specific requirements for hardness, thickness, etc. and DHS will select the sheets that meet each player's requirement.

Right, that's why I said fame and not skill level/world rankings. They're famous players in Korea, a big TT market. What I said are not my assumptions, but based on what ex-CNT player Yin Hang said. The procedure for players like him to get a 968 is to fill out a form, get it signed by his coach and the head coach, then he gets to pick one up. He doesn't get to specify his requirements to DHS and get one specially made for him.

I suspect Butterfly does things similarly. They may special make blades for players sponsored by them, which will obviously be based on fame, but they won't do it just because you're good. Yin Hang no doubt was better than the lady Tony knows, but he says he and his teammates bought all their Butterfly blades as well as rubbers from the market.

Sad to hear Yin Hang only gets to pick 1 blade up.
Sounds like DHS is under extreme tight budgets with Yin Hang then. I mean, they give away 10s of thousands of 3 star balls at a time to the CNT and thousands of rubbers, but they can't even give Yin 10 blades at a time?

Any ways, its fun chatting with you about DHS, you seem to know a lot.
My info must be wrong then.

What I wanted to point out is that it is very easy for TT brands to tailor-made equipment, especially a company like DHS who tailor almost everything since a long time ago.

How and what they do, or the procedure to go about it, or fame or not, is actually irrelevant to my initial post.
As I pointed out, my purpose of engagement in this thread is really only to say, Chen Meng's blade is not Ma Long's blade.
So with that being made to the public, people can understand there are special versions out there, than just the same exact blade being circulated in the CNT.

PS. I do know a former Butterfly player, who went Tibhar. Couldn't find a blade there that suites him (I do not know why Tibhar couldn't come up with a solution for him), so what this Top 50 pro did was, buy a dozen of his desired blade from the open market and send them to Tibhar for "handle adjustments" and did this for a good few years.
I guess another Stiga player had the same problem too.
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Sep 2013
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Chen Meng is obviously good enough that she can have whatever she wants made for her by DHS (or probably any other manufacturer). Is the suggestion that the Chen Meng (or any other named player) W968 is very different to the Ma Long ones or only very subtly different?
Maybe they are drawn from the pool that Ma Long rejected 🤣
If they’re very different are they really still W968?

It won't be from a pool of rejected. Those rejected would go into the commericial market at best (ie, I could buy player edition blades if I wanted to)

It is a good question on, how much adjustments to the "original" W968 is acceptable, until it is no longer a W968.
Well, there is no ruling on paper atleast that forbids the makers to change almost everything to the original W968.
Companies like Butterfly will just use a generic handle.

The amount of support CNT has from DHS is beyond any other brand to any other player, yet alone an entire team.
DHS told me the latest stats is that 98% of players now use they rubbers and they want to make more inroads on the blade market share within CNT.

From my limited knowledge on equipment construction, and my knowledge on tt brands customization availability. It is also common that a player will change specs of his/her blade/rubber for a different playing venues for example.
Proper equipment gurus are at CNT players side on a regular basis. They actually very spoiled imo.