DHS Hurricane rubbers, need more clarification

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Hello (to anyone brave enough to enter that kind of debate), I've been using DHS Hurricane NEO 3, and currently I am rocking DHS Hurricane 2 on my forehand. I've never boosted any of them. I wanted to know a few more details about these rubbers:
(1) After boosting (H3 NEO) what can I expect of my rubber, ex. how will it affect, speed, throw angle, control
(2) Is there a big difference in boosters, and what would you recommend?
(3) Are provincional/blue rubbers worth it? (Note: I am playing recreationaly , but I am planning to join a TT club, there isn't one where I live :( )

Sorry for the long post, wanted to make it comprehensive :).

Edit: For a begginer/intermediate player H3 NEO Provincional Orange or Blue Sponge, also is it better to:
(1) Choose 39deg and not boost,
(2) Choose 40/41deg boost,
(3) 40/41deg no boost,
(4) 39deg boost?
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