Questions about Intensity NCT Blade

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New Member
Aug 2017
Hi everyone,

Since I changed from handshake grip to penholding style, my Eternity VPS V FL will be retire soon. Therefore, I'm looking for another blade which is pen-hold style, and what I found the one I like the most is Intensity NCT. What rubbers will you guys suggest on Intensity NCT as it in pen-hold style? I was thinking T80 and T05 but its going to be real expensive for me. Any suggestions? :eek:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2016
Read 3 reviews
I had played Intensity NCT for a while. Being a 5-ply wooden blade it is unusually hard. Little flex. It plays a bit like a 7-ply with medium to low arc.

Therefore T05 (medium to high arc) would pair well with it. Otherwise MXP would be fine.

If you like Chinese rubbers. Get a 39 H3 provincial.

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