What is the difference between H3 Provincial Blue Sponge and H3 Neo Orange Sponge?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2017
Hi! I want to buy a H3 Provincial Blue Sponge for my forehand. Now I am using H3 Neo Orange Sponge. What are the differences? Is it good to buy?

Sorry for off-topic, but just noticed that you are using H3Neo on your BH too. I am not saying that that's a bad choice, just an unusual one :)
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Well-Known Member
May 2015
Read 5 reviews
Hi! I want to buy a H3 Provincial Blue Sponge for my forehand. Now I am using H3 Neo Orange Sponge. What are the differences? Is it good to buy?

I prefer the blue sponge over the orange sponge any day.
But this is not the first and only time this question has been asked, so i will just quote the most recent one.

Hi, can you tell me the differences between H3 rubber with orrange sponge and H3 rubber with blue sponge?

Orange sponge is more flexible than blue sponge, blue sponge is harder (same degree), more aggressive, throw angle is lower, ball drops more quickly, when it hits at the other side of table.

In other words the blue one can take more booster and makes the ball dip more viciously when looping.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2010
at your level ,I don't think you need to change to blue sponge, its for people whose entire game is dominated by power loops ... you have just started to loop ... it will only encourage you to fall back to your older habit of hitting everything flat ... well having watched your video , my opinion is that you should not even be playing with H3 , you should be playing with middle of the road european rubber till you develop your technique to the point where you can use H3. But then, this is just my opinion , so ignore it !