New H3 Neo - Dirt on it won't come off..

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Nov 2013

Hi everyone, I bought a H3 Neo yesterday and I find it great for my forehand but I can't get rid of the dirt (today I only used water and my hand to try to remove the dirt but yesterday I didn't clean my rubber after playing with it) Is this normal or could anyone give me an advice to get a clean rubber again ?


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Feb 2013
I know the feeling, I use a wet sponge to clean it.
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Nov 2013
use Der echte's trick.
Use a bit of olive oik and a bit of lemon juice,wipe the rubber.let it for a minute or 2,then wipe the rubber dry with a cotton cloth.put a non sticky protection sheet overnight,and the next day it will have more tackiness than the day it came.

Thanks but is this just for restoring the tackiness or for cleaning the rubber too ?
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I have heard that rubber cleaners does some damage to the rubbers. Someone said that it is some kind of marketing trick so as to force you in buying the next piece quickly.

How true are these above statements?


If it does I haven't noticed it. I used cleaner and just regular water both for about a year and there is no difference in rubber durability. The cleaner works better to get tacky rubbers clean though.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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Honestly, I don't worry if the one sheet of H3 I have left in service (a 3 yr old H3 NEO) looks like that. I don't want it 100 tacky. Chinese rubbers will oxidize faster than cat can scat. I don't like over tacky anyway.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil will do a great job cleaning the topsheet and restoring enough of the rubber's elasticity. Rubber protective plastic sheets... sheesh, I don't know if I can even spell those two words correctly. I got some but never really use them but once in a blue harvest moon.

I know a LOT of my Korean friends use name brand cleaner and protective sheets after EVERY session and that is good for them. me, my sweaty shirt and the bat case are usually enough for me.
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Water and sponge definitely will restore nearly 100% of the tack. However, you have to be somewhat liberal with the water and use the sponge as a squeegee (using the blue side of the rubber care sponge that comes with the butterfly rubber soap). Once the rubber air dries, you will find it will holds the ball longer than 3 seconds.

If the paddle is extremely dirty, i will use the rubber soap (very sparingly) for an initial scrubbing to loosen the grime, but will immediately use water and squeegee off the excess soap, fan dry the paddle to restore the tack right away and minimize the soap residue.

Tho i seal my blades, i still have to be careful with the excess water trying to avoid any of it seeping into the sponge/blade.
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I have heard that rubber cleaners does some damage to the rubbers. Someone said that it is some kind of marketing trick so as to force you in buying the next piece quickly.

How true are these above statements?


Fake. BTY's cure water used to be able to regain some of the lost grip on a piece of old Bryce Speed FX. For a limited amount of time tho.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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I have heard that rubber cleaners does some damage to the rubbers. Someone said that it is some kind of marketing trick so as to force you in buying the next piece quickly.

How true are these above statements?


Rajd, I know MANY Koreans, let's say at least 80% of the amature crowd I was around in Korea would use name brand cleaner (or water) EVERY DAMNED DAY like clockwork right after they were done for the evening. They took great pains to use a sponge and dry off rubber and place protective sheets over BOTH rubber, and place the bat carefull into their custom expensive can't find on the market bat case like they were patting a baby goodnight that is how careful the great majority of the amature crowd would take care of their rubber. many of this crowd would be at the club for hours, but really only have 1 hour of table time a day. At that rate, a rubber should make it 3 months or so, (just under 100 hrs) they would stretch that to 6 or 12. (200-400 hrs) Why spend money on rubbers when you can spend it on chicken and beer? Many Korean amature players would have their rubber be ready to be replaced after 3 months, but would play on another 3-9 months.

Myself, with even the best of care, I played so many hours that Tenergy would barely make it one month and Aurus, the super long living nice rubber made it 2-3 months. I played 100 hrs a month and I hit hard and often. My Korean friend would take my Aurus with over 300 hrs on it and play another 6 months with it if you get an idea of how Koreans roll.

I say all that to put this statement in perspective.

If you play for hours a day, rubber cleaner will not really help you out unless you try to change your car's axle grease with your TT bat and not clean that up afterwards.

If you play an hour a day and want to keep your rubber for 6 months, you can toss it in the air and say yes/no.

If you barely play once a week, your rubber will require changing after a year from being outdated by the 254 new rubbers that TT manufacturers came out with !!!

Can anyone see my opinion that rubber cleaner will not hurt the life of Ur rubbers? Can anyone see I don't use cleaner myself not give a care about it?

I feel that anyone who wants to use rubber cleaner should be able to do so without any guilt or fear of it ruining their rubbers. :)
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Sep 2013
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To me, it seems like the rubber top sheet was wet, and you put a film on top of it before it was packed away?
Because that sure don't look like dirt to me.
Rubber cleaner should be able to get rid of it, if not once, maybe after a few days.

This is coming form a H3 experienced user