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says TTD Team vs Pongfinity OUT NOW on our YT Channel
Well-Known Member
Oct 2010
TableTennisDaily interview with STIGA President & CEO Mats Bandstigen
Hi Mats. To start with, we at TableTennisDaily, would like to thank you in giving us the opportunity to visit STIGA HQ last week and interact/interview the various, STIGA sponsored, Chinese national team players.


Mats of STIGA (left), Dan of TableTennisDaily (right)

We would like to also thank you for taking part in this TableTennisDaily interview.


So Mats, can you tell us more about yourself and give us more of an insight about STIGA?

My name is Mats Bandstigen and I am 45 years old. I became the President & CEO of STIGA Sports 1999. STIGA Sports has grown in terms of turnover and profit year by year during the last 10 years. Personally I have a background as a table tennis player – I played in the Swedish National Team. I became European Champion in Team as a junior, 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] place in double and 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] place in single. I also joined one senior World Championship for Sweden – in Gothenburg 1985. I suddenly stopped with table tennis already when I was around 20 years old. If I remember right I compared myself with Jan-Ove Waldner and could easily find out that I can never become even nearly as good as him.

How competitive is the table tennis market and where are STIGA in terms of competing with other table tennis brands?

The World table tennis market is very competitive. Today STIGA and Butterfly is the two largest brands in terms of turnover. STIGA is selling table tennis products to more than 150 countries around the World.

Chinese National Team

STIGA have a very close relationship with the Chinese National Team, how did this come about?

STIGA has since many, many years a very good and close relationship with The China National Team. One of the main reason is STIGA´s long tradition in table tennis – we are the oldest table tennis brand in the World – year 2014 (next year) we have our 70 year anniversary!


STIGA for example sponsor Xu Xin, Fan Zhendong, Guo Yue, Zhu Yuling - are there any other players you will look to sponsor in the future?

Yes, for sure. We are working very hard and focused concerning this question. We also want to sponsor the coming European Superstars.


vishaloza asks what will be STIGA's strategy with the new ball rule that will be in place in 2014? Have you been testing prototypes?

Yes, we have seriously tested the new balls for quite a long time. STIGA will launch new STIGA rubbers and STIGA blades that optimize your game with the new ball.

Henrytam asks, many manufacturers have done a series of blades with pro players names. For example the Michael Maze blade or the Ma Lin Carbon. Is this something you have looked into with the STIGA China National team players?

Yes, we are discussing this matter right now together with the players. Probably this will come within the near future.

Der_Echte asks, STIGA has always had great TT apparel, usually pretty simple stuff, but stylish for table tennis players. What is your overall design philosophy in this regard?

Yes, we want it to look a little bit “Swedish” – simple, clean and stylish.

Tony's Table Tennis asks - How much market share do STIGA have on blades and rubbers?

Difficult to say but I personally believe STIGA is number 1 in the World, in terms of market shares, concerning our Made in Sweden blades. Concerning STIGA rubbers (mainly Made in Japan) we are increasing our market shares rapidly but we still have a certain way to the top.


Inside the STIGA wearhouse

How many blades and rubbers are sold each year?

Difficult to say but I guess more than 1 million competition blades and more than 4 million competition rubbers are sold each year in the world, mixed between all brands.

KM1976 asks - How is the rating system determined which STIGA put on their blades and rubbers?

It is a combination between tests by National Team players and machines that really measures speed, spin, etc.

Future plans

What do you see as the main challenges STIGA face in the future?

Our main challenge is too all the time make STIGA better and better. This is our daily focus and as we all, in the STIGA Team, like competition – we love this tough challenge!

We have seen STIGA Table Tennis have really improved their marketing on the social media platforms, how do you feel the internet will have an impact on STIGA.

I am glad you have recognized that STIGA has improved concerning the social media. Our focus on social media, internet will increase even more in the future – as we are sure this becomes more and more important! Be sure to follow STIGA on facebook here.



And lastly

You mentioned to me last week at STIGA HQ you were a regular user of TableTennisDaily. What do you like about the site?

Yes, I am looking at the TableTennisDaily site nearly daily. The site is excellent for the table tennis lover thanks to your very wide, deep and interesting articles. The reader can really “feel” that you love what you are doing and thats, I believe, the main reason for your huge success! Congratulations, you are really worth it!

Thanks very much for your kindness in taking part in this interview for all the members of the TableTennisDaily forum to learn and know more about STIGA.

Would you like to add one last message to us all?

Please follow our new, coming, STIGA products. We promise you to do our very, very best to always become better and better!
Thanks for loving the sport of table tennis! Together we are strong!


TableTennisDaily Staff and website.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
Read 3 reviews
Really thumbs up to Stiga and Mr Mats Bandstigen

I don't think there is much CEOs of TT brands that get so close to the consumers like Stiga is doing.
I really respect them for doing so much lately.

In fact, it is sad that I am not a business parnter/reseller for Stiga.
I really like they company model and direction. And most importantly, they have great products!


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
Really glad you like the interview guys. You are right it's great to get an insight from other areas of this fantastic sport! I hope to get many more like this :)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy
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Mar 2012
its good to know that Stiga is creating new sets of equipment for the upcoming new poly ball...can't wait to see how these new equipment works, i hope that it is as best as our current equipment that we are using right now...

thanks dan for the member of this forum and as a lover of table tennis, such info is a great help for us to be able to know the future of the game we love...