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Well-Known Member
Oct 2015
I got DHS Hurricane 9 Blue for my BH on a DHS Hurricane 301 Penhold. I saw on here most people think it is garbage, but I have been getting good results on my RPB.

What does this mean for my stroke that I do not think it is garbage? Is there something wrong with my form? Am I over brushing? Basically is the fact that I don't mind it indicative of problems with my technique?
It means on the internet people say a lot of dumb stuff with extreme confidence.

Consider the possibility that most posters on here have crap technique, and we need $300 of equipment to compensate for that. For example I couldn't play with H9 on my BH, because I have no feeling on BH. That rubber would be garbage for me.

What value does this information hold for you, who play fine with it? Nothing.
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says former JPEN, now CPEN
says former JPEN, now CPEN
Aug 2019
i think it just means you like dhs hurricane 9 blue

theres rly nothing wrong with the rubber if it suits you, doesnt have to imply that ur form is bad for it to be useable to you

people's opinions on equipment r usually good reference but they are not absolute

referring from my own personal experience people liked 729 battle 2, sometimes they find the rubber to be even better than H3, but to me the entire B2 lineup is garbage to me barring the orange sponge and i definitely find H3 much more easier to use than B2
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