Using coach's 2nd Viscaria w/Dignics 09C!

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Apr 2023
Wow, what a great combo! It's a little lighter than my current set up and control was great with fantastic speed!
Does anyone here use this current set up?
When you said coach's second Viscaria, does he have another Viscaria?

The reason I asked is that I do not like my Viscaria. I swear there gotta be some quality control issue. Some people love it and some people hate it. Or maybe it is just because Viscaria is so hyped up, people like me have unrealistic expectation of it and when it does not play "that" well, we are just like, meh, what is up with the hype?!?!
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Jul 2022
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When you said coach's second Viscaria, does he have another Viscaria?

The reason I asked is that I do not like my Viscaria. I swear there gotta be some quality control issue. Some people love it and some people hate it. Or maybe it is just because Viscaria is so hyped up, people like me have unrealistic expectation of it and when it does not play "that" well, we are just like, meh, what is up with the hype?!?!
He had 2 with him. I think he has at least one more at home. He swears by Viscaria. That's all he's been using for years.
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When you said coach's second Viscaria, does he have another Viscaria?

The reason I asked is that I do not like my Viscaria. I swear there gotta be some quality control issue. Some people love it and some people hate it. Or maybe it is just because Viscaria is so hyped up, people like me have unrealistic expectation of it and when it does not play "that" well, we are just like, meh, what is up with the hype?!?!
I actually chiquita with much more spin with the same D05 rubber with Viscaria as compared to Harimoto ALC. I tried a lot of setups by friends etc and none gave me as much spin as the Viscaria + D05 combo. I don't really understand too haha
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Jan 2022
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When you said coach's second Viscaria, does he have another Viscaria?

The reason I asked is that I do not like my Viscaria. I swear there gotta be some quality control issue. Some people love it and some people hate it. Or maybe it is just because Viscaria is so hyped up, people like me have unrealistic expectation of it and when it does not play "that" well, we are just like, meh, what is up with the hype?!?!
Ive had three and all have been excellent - in my opinion Butterfly QQ is top notch.
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Apr 2023
Ive had three and all have been excellent - in my opinion Butterfly QQ is top notch.
It must be me then. I cannot spin much with Viscaria. I like blades softer and slower than Viscaria. It shows on my forehand serve. With slower carbon blade than Viscaria, I can always win a couple cheap points off my forehand serve. But with Viscaria, I just have trouble generating the same amount of spin. Oh well...
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Oct 2014
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It must be me then. I cannot spin much with Viscaria. I like blades softer and slower than Viscaria. It shows on my forehand serve. With slower carbon blade than Viscaria, I can always win a couple cheap points off my forehand serve. But with Viscaria, I just have trouble generating the same amount of spin. Oh well...
With Koto, you need deep impact to spin. But the ball repulsion and feeling is much sharper than softer stuff. Not for everyone for sure, I usually hate it.
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Apr 2023
Viscaria to me is ok. The handle is too big for my hands so I no longer use it. I find that I can't use any forehand rubber on it except h3. On my HL5 clone, I can use TDE and Tau 2 in addition. I prefer a better forehand.
Yeah, that's why I have been EJ'ing. I don't read too much about rubber or blade reviews anymore. I just pick what I like and get something similar to it and slowly EJ'ing from there. It is more productive that way.
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It must be me then. I cannot spin much with Viscaria. I like blades softer and slower than Viscaria. It shows on my forehand serve. With slower carbon blade than Viscaria, I can always win a couple cheap points off my forehand serve. But with Viscaria, I just have trouble generating the same amount of spin. Oh well...
I think most ppl choose Viscaria because of the BH feeling, not the FH. There are probably better alternatives for FH power and spin like 968, but for me I think my BH is more important.
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Oct 2014
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About my coach, he told me that if someone saw me warming up, they would guess that I am above 1700 US rating, but when I play a match, he says that I suck! And he's right!
This is quite common and normal. The question is whether he is training you to win points or whether he is training you in standard drills. Standard drills don't win points. A good coach will mostly work with you on serve, a serve return and third ball/fourth ball, as those are the things that win points, not how good you look warming up. While I do not look terrible warming up, I have warmed up with many people who hit the ball more powerfully than I do. But when the match starts, we both hit the ball about the same but the difference is that I have a game that gives me more opportunities to hit the ball hard than they do and my placement when I hit the ball hard is more precise than theirs. And when I can't hit the ball hard, I can put enough on the ball to set myself up if they are not much better than than I am. These things matter much more than how good you look when warming up because these are the things that really win points.

I have also seen players who mostly play matches and while their games can be stuck, they usually have a clear idea of how they intend to beat you. So forget about looking terrible, reflect on whether he is giving you the tools to win points in matches. You are not young enough to spend your life just training away falkenberg forever if your main goal is to win matches in the next month or two. Your training should be serve and attack or serve and defend or serve return and attack or serve return and defend (push and block) with transition to rally if necessary. Then when an opponent breaks your pattern, patch it if you can to upgrade it with a new tool to address what the opponent has done, then continue from there. This will improve you faster and make you match tough.
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Oct 2014
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At the risk of writing too much, let me give a concrete example of what is possible though again, not everyone who coaches can invest this kind of effort into a student. Of course, there is some boasting, but let me make the point.

For someone at your age, your blocking game must be extremely strong to beat better players who are younger unless you are a freakish athlete. So if I Was coaching you, I would do a lot of serve and push and make you serve short topspin/backspin/no spin and smash if the opponent pops it up and rally if they do not (most lower players do not have strong flick so you can do this reliably). And working on blocking the first loop against better players and then blocking successive loops so that someone has to hit 3 or 4 loops to break you. While I can't make you perfect, since I am 2000 USATT, I can make sure that by the time we are done, you have absolutely zero fear of blocking USATT 1700 loops. If you have good backhand hit, we will train it so that you can exchange confidently on the backhand diagonal and whoever beats you should be confident they can redirect or they have to hit more than 3 balls because you will be applying pressure with your consistency on the diagonal.

I coached a player around your age, even older, exactly this way, repeated serve and push and serve and block and sometimes he hits loose ball (initially, he was trying to hit everything, he didn't believe that just blocking was good enough to break down many players, but me I know from experience, I used to be a complete blocker). He had good short backhand topspin serve, I make him add backspin just for some free points, and he would attack to corners if he got a pop up.

He beat a 1700-1800 non-tournament player one day in the club, and the opponent blamed my coaching, saying that the guy knew how to touch a heavy ball and it wasn't easy to break him down with just one loop. But this is how hard real coaching can be, it is easy to feed someone lots of balls and make them look good. But table tennis is not figure skating, you get points for keeping the ball in play and making the opponent miss, not for looking good. If you are an adult learner trying to improve in the next year, if you are training hard, you have to train things that win points, you can't train like a player who wants to be good in 20 years time as a world class player. Learn to block people around and attack loose balls, don't focus on looking good unless you enjoy that more than winning (and it is your right to, I sometimes play more to look good than to win).
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Nov 2018
I actually chiquita with much more spin with the same D05 rubber with Viscaria as compared to Harimoto ALC. I tried a lot of setups by friends etc and none gave me as much spin as the Viscaria + D05 combo. I don't really understand too haha
My theory here is that butterfly optimized dignics 05 to their most famous and commercially successful blade, which happens to be viscaria and its descendants.

BTW, D05 is even jucier with zjk szlc, I caught myself thinking that it really resembles hinoki softness. I only tried it a couple of times, but it made me wanna buy a koto-szlc blade. I'm resisting the temptation so far and the price tag helps me here.
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Oct 2014
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My theory here is that butterfly optimized dignics 05 to their most famous and commercially successful blade, which happens to be viscaria and its descendants.

BTW, D05 is even jucier with zjk szlc, I caught myself thinking that it really resembles hinoki softness. I only tried it a couple of times, but it made me wanna buy a koto-szlc blade. I'm resisting the temptation so far and the price tag helps me here.
Try it on JMSZLC, you might be equally impressed, maybe even more. But the price tag will keep you in good shape there as well.