Where to buy Hurricane III NEO in the U.S.

says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
CP Willie, I can tell you this.

YES, Cole (that is his real first name) runs his colestt.com from his house.

YES, he is absolutely reliable.

YES, in USA he ships everything for $5 (and smal stuff like a sheet or two of rubber for $1) US Postal PRIORITY.

YES, he ships VERY promptly.

YES, Der_Echte will get pretty pissed off is someone does Cole wrong.

All Cole has done in the 6 years I have seen him operate is do it right. In Iraq, I would get stuff from him faster than I could get stuff from my own family. Cole has always added extra stuff in my orders to appreciate military. I am about to retire after a lengthy 30 yr military career and the Ping Pong tourney I will help USO will do on Fort Drum is gunna have prizes with stuff from him.

I hope that clears up anything, if it needed clearing up.

Don't feel bad asking and me replying strongly (in favor of Cole). I also feel it is good policy in general to be skeptical of everything until you know. TT forums are good places to learn who is straight and who is full of it. Carl will tell ya.
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This user has no status.
Feb 2013
When paddle palace restocks at the end of this month, they will have the most recent production batch of DHS rubbers (their last batch was PADXI----, this incoming batch is probably PADAB---- if not PAEXA---- or later) in the US for 21.95. They are also the new sole distributor of DHS in the US as of last year.
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