Extreme excessive screaming by Harimoto

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Jul 2015
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My personal feeling is that these kids are being coached to do this. Otherwise it is just hard to see how screaming like that after every point is in any way natural. It is a relatively recent thing too, at least at this level. Waldner didn't do it. WLQ didn't do it. Zhang Yining didn't do it.

I hate it. I personally I think ITTF should do something about it. They won't. They took away ZJK's prize money but they won't do anything about this.

Whenever I play a tourney and see a Chinese kid coached by a parent or a Chinese coach, it is 90% that the kid will yell Harimoto-style.
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Well-Known Member
May 2015
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Where I play, people actually sometimes say "Good one!" after their opponents hit a particularly nice shot on them. That is beautiful and humbling!

Thank you!

Few people around here do that as well.

That is true sportsmanship.
One of the reasons why i love this sport so much!

Harimoto is still so young. he'll grow out of this.
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says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
Well-Known Member
Feb 2015
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you are right but its not very easy to tell in table tennis when is when ... I know a player who keeps on changing the spin on the ball a little bit at a time so that when you miss you keep feeling that its your fault but its not ...
It is still my fault...
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the shouting is indeed a way of keeping very focused in our extremely fast sport, one of the notorious shouters was Jean-Michel Saive, he CHOed like a mad man in his best years :cool:

its not always nice to see for the spectators, just one of the weird aspects of our crazy sport ... there was one young chinese player who shouted really loud too ( lin ... ) , what a completely mad, crazy sport this is actually ...
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Dec 2010
What has this do to with attitude ? Chill man ... we were discussing technicalities ...
I never said what Harimoto is doing is correct , of course its is wrong , but there is no use complaining unless ITTF decides to intervene and we know they don't listen to our opinions ... if they did we would be still playing with celluloid balls.

Now coming back to topic , the assertion was that you can cho when your opponent is missing a shot because of you , lets say you hit a great loop or you hit a good smash ...

I feel , a tricky serve that gets returned into the net or a disguised ball where the player returning is not able to tell the spin is as much to the players credit as a good loop , essentially you are forcing the opponent to miss or make a mistake ...

hence , I don't see there is a way where unless you are the player , you can tell honestly whether it was to the players credit or it was a mistake by the other guy ... so no point in criticizing that as rude ... because you can't tell for sure ...

There is not such think like forced error ... with this attitude you can not play any game.
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says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
Well-Known Member
Feb 2015
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Do not take it personally .
Every opponent is forcing you to you make a error this is the point of the game.
But when you can not return the ball due you misread spin , it`s still your fault .
I see it this way.
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Dec 2010
Okay, I did not take it personally, thats why I was trying to explain, my be its the language why I felt you took it personally ... but leave that aside ...

Yes that is a valid way to see it .. but then everything in the game is your fault , you could not reach the ball why the opponent hit winner , you are not good enough to block his super powerful third ball attack ... where do you draw the line ? .. IMO you cannot draw the line and the only black and white fault is when miss your own serve , there other foolproof situation to give credit as a bystander , so I would just take it out of consideration .. whatever the reason I lost the point and let him scream .. I will get the next one ... thats how I would like to think ...

Do not take it personally .
Every opponent is forcing you to you make a error this is the point of the game.
But when you can not return the ball due you misread spin , it`s still your fault .
I see it this way.
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The perks of being this young of a player always has the benefit of it being quite an upset once said player beats one of the big hitters, if he loses people usually dont hear much about it - in two ways: Muramatsu beat him quite decisively today, needless to say it was a rather quiet game.
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The perks of being this young of a player always has the benefit of it being quite an upset once said player beats one of the big hitters, if he loses people usually dont hear much about it - in two ways: Muramatsu beat him quite decisively today, needless to say it was a rather quiet game.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, I will put down the poor performance to fatigue and jet-lag.
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You're right, kids that young don't usually get fatigued. Then again kids that young don't usually play on a world class level. I won't arrogate myself the abiltiy to judge how fatigued or not he may be after the junior tournament - but I don't think that plays a role here anyway. The guy could've been in best shape and would've received the same roast from Muramatsu.
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Sep 2013
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It has nothing to do with fatigue

When he wins points, he yells
when he doesn't win points, he is very very very very very quiet with a very very very very negative body language/expression (this got to do with his age)

He also doesn't yell after winning game point or match point, so to me, his yelling is more tactical than oppose to emotional as most players will yell after securing game or match point