w968 -8?

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Aug 2018
The head size is 157x150mm the handle size is h:25x w:34 mm
The blade weights 92g and the frequency is 1358 Hz
I glued h8 2.2 40° on forehand and evolution elp 2.2 on backhand.
Tomorrow I will train with it.
waiting for your review :D
says regularly shitposting
says regularly shitposting
Jul 2019
I've played with it.
Unfortunately I didn't test it for enough time, I need to play with it another time.
In comparison with viscaria I think that this one is slightly faster with higher arc.
This is not a definitive verdict. I'm going to use it again this friday.

So its a limba inner-fiber blade that feels faster than a koto outer-fiber one ? Damn .... can't wait for full impressions ^_^
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Ok guys, I did another session with this blade, this time 3 hours of play.
In this review I'm going to compare Yasaka Atletico Power with other 2 blades that I've used for years: Innerforce layer alc and Zhang jike alc (=viscaria).
I glued on yasaka atletico power, an evolution elp max on backhand and dhs h8 on forehand. I've used these rubbers on both zjk alc and innerforce, so it should be a fair test.
Let's start with speed.
Speed wise atletico power>zjk alc>innerforce alc.
The speed difference between atletico power and zjk alc is very slight. Using revspin score YAP: 9.2 / ZJK alc:9.1 / Innerforce alc: 8.9
Let's move to spin.
Spin wise innerforce alc>atletico power>zjk alc
I think that innerforce alc is the spinnest of the 3, but YAP is very close to it.
Control is relative. I Think that the control is equal in these blades. Anyway it's pretty high all these 3 blades have a 9.0 score.
Hardness: zjk alc>atletico power>innerforce alc using revspin score zjk alc 5.7 / YAP 5.2 / Innerforce alc 4.9.
In general I really like this balde. It's a good compromise between the two.
It has innerforce structure (inner composite blade with limba as outer wood), so it has a lot of gears. When you hit gently the ball (doing push or spinny opening loop) it has a woody feeling. However when you hit hard the carbon starts to work and you really feel the power.
Moreover I noticed that the arc trajectory is pretty high on every shot. This fact is an advantage on looping against backspin and counter top spin. It could be difficult to block if you are used to harder blade such as zjk alc, however with small adjustment I was able to block quite fine.
In conclusion I think that it's a very very good blade for its price $80 (prott). If you like composite alc blade from butterfly you couldn't miss it.
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Jul 2013
Any players still play with Yasaka Atlético Power ?
I have a friend who wants to buy a DHS HL-5 alternative because he has a limited budget (under 100$) :/
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New Member
Jan 2021

I play with the HL5 commercial version (150 eur on TT11 i think), and it has much higher potential than Atletico Power both in spin and max speed. Control is better as well. Atletico has a nice sound, its a bit faster on low and medium power shots, and i think its not a bad blade overall.
