WTT Singapore Smash 2024 3/7-3/17

WCQ doesn't have a big head lol, if anything Liang Jingkun is the one with a big head... and he's not hiding the serve remotely close to WCQ levels.

So the issue is that, he deliberately throws the ball in a way that it goes behind his head which is in fact a lot harder to do.

I tried doing it and I was constantly mistiming balls - it's easier to do FH serves where the ball passes in front of your eyes rather than around your ears (WCQ style).

It's clearly against the rules because the ball has to be visible from the net's perspective all the time (a lot of ppl misunderstand the rules, it's all about not allowing the ball to be hidden, not the racket - almost all FH serves hide the racket from view at some time before ball contact).
I have always found this a strange regulation. From me, the ball is allowed to disappear completely behind the server's back👻, as long as I can see the ball and racket at the point of contact.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2022
Read 6 reviews
Not sure i can agree. He did pretty well in Super league and is known for ability to gain advantages in touch play. He has beaten Liamg Jingkun betore. His game has its issues, but it is not fair IMO to argue that a player that is clearly working hard on expanding his game is stagnating when even in this match, he wasn't getting killed in the rallies. He couldn't even return the opponent's serve decently and was almost always on the back foot and that is unlikely to be true for any player not name WCQ.
I wasn’t implying he was stagnating - I was however agreeing that his game style has it’s limitations when facing players with superior movement or weapons such as FH, which in my view all those listed have. I think his results in ‘23/24 vs CNT players have not been very good.
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Feb 2019
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Active Member
Jan 2019
Another thing that bothers me is the dress code. WTT seems to ignore the dress code at all. So many players wear the same color of shirts on the field and it is really hard to see who is who sometimes.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
Read 17 reviews
They measured from the moment the ball left his hand. They did their job as it should be.
The hand often follows the ball even when it has left the hand, this is why many decent tosses look worse because many people are looking at the separation as a measure of toss height, while physically, it is about where the ball initially left the hand.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
Read 17 reviews
I wasn’t implying he was stagnating - I was however agreeing that his game style has it’s limitations when facing players with superior movement or weapons such as FH, which in my view all those listed have. I think his results in ‘23/24 vs CNT players have not been very good.
Which CNT players has he played and how do you define "not been very good"? Whose results vs the CNT in the top 20 in Europe or Asia have been very good by comparison?
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I have always found this a strange regulation. From me, the ball is allowed to disappear completely behind the server's back👻, as long as I can see the ball and racket at the point of contact.
Yes it is strange but this is how the rules are written. Unfortunately almost none of the umpires actually enforce the rule.
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Another thing that bothers me is the dress code. WTT seems to ignore the dress code at all. So many players wear the same color of shirts on the field and it is really hard to see who is who sometimes.
This has been bothering me for a while now. It certainly wasn't the first WTT event with this happening. It's absolutely not easy to become an umpire of this level, yet easy to notice stuff like this is getting past them.
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
ITTF should have a meeting / conference with main coaches and chief referee and get everyone on board and on the same page, that is, to adhere to the serving rule. Give them a moratorium of say 3 months, after which strict enforcement of ITTF serving rule. Hawkeye technology would greatly help as well. ITTF can provide a grant to organizers to buy / rent the Hawkeye system for use during major competition: SMASH, STAR CONTENDER etc.

I assume the HAWKEYE system is portable, hence it can be rented to the various organizers.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
I have always found this a strange regulation. From me, the ball is allowed to disappear completely behind the server's back👻, as long as I can see the ball and racket at the point of contact.
The current rules do not allow that. The former rules used to allow it. That's the problem. The service rules, especially the definition of "the space between the server and the receiver", have gone through a few changes since 2002. It's possible some if not many players were brought up by coaches that were not up to speed.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Another thing that bothers me is the dress code. WTT seems to ignore the dress code at all. So many players wear the same color of shirts on the field and it is really hard to see who is who sometimes.
WTT has different rules. WTT rules (4.2.1 and specifically on dress) and ITTF rules (3.2.2 and specifically on opposing players and pairs having to wear different colors) are separate now.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
WCQ doesn't have a big head lol, if anything Liang Jingkun is the one with a big head... and he's not hiding the serve remotely close to WCQ levels.

So the issue is that, he deliberately throws the ball in a way that it goes behind his head which is in fact a lot harder to do.

I tried doing it and I was constantly mistiming balls - it's easier to do FH serves where the ball passes in front of your eyes rather than around your ears (WCQ style).

It's clearly against the rules because the ball has to be visible from the net's perspective all the time (a lot of ppl misunderstand the rules, it's all about not allowing the ball to be hidden, not the racket - almost all FH serves hide the racket from view at some time before ball contact).
LGL on LJK: 脖子以下大满贯/Grand Slam material below the neck

Doha Skyline Raises Curtain on WTT Finals
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Well-Known Member
May 2011
CXT seems to have changed her style a bit, much more aggressive on the BH now. She used to rarely play the BH drive, only the counter, but now she plays it quite often. Seems a bit more aggressive on the FH side as well.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
CXT is taking a page from Hirano, pinning SYS down to BH exchanges.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
CIC/Li Yu-Jhun vs Kihara/Joo Cheonhui
The big question - who's worse, Kihara or Li Yu-Jhun?

Nagasaki: Kihara...

Hirano is there to cheer on (G2 8:4), fulfilling her job as team elder.

3-0. Turns out Li Yu-Jhun plays the best among the 4.

Coach Ito: Y'all so weak!
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says I'm still learning Table Tennis.
says I'm still learning Table Tennis.
Nov 2022
Timo complaining to umpire about LSD's serves
Several questionable serves were visible from the television replay, yet the umpires seemed hesitant to make calls. With their position at the table, it's difficult to believe these serves went unnoticed. While an occasional missed call is understandable, consistent oversights become concerning.