Anyone have a sneak peak of Glayzer yet?

says Looking for a bat that makes me faster
says Looking for a bat that makes me faster
Active Member
Jan 2023
330 RMB is OK. Rozena is around 200RMB. If Glayzer gives 50% more durability than Rozena then it's worth considering already. But I think it will proivde much more.

I have D09c, by visual inspection it looks like abeat up shit, but in reality the middle where I used it the most is stickier than the edges where I have not used. The D09c sponge can take a heck of a lot of glue removal too.
I for one look really forward too the Glayzers with some Falco tweaks.
330 RMB is the catalogue price, the author of the article estimated the actual price to be around 250 RMB. This would make it slightly more expensive than Donic Bluestorm, but slightly cheaper than Andro Rasanter and Tibhar K3.
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Sep 2013
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Taiwan costs around USD40 per sheet.
For sale from 23 March at 14:00 (GMT+8) and sold out within hours.
more stock arrived on 24 March and I can see it is still available to order right now.

And idea of comparative pricing from the same seller:
Rozena USD30
D09C UDD82
T05 USD67

This is retail pricing for the 4 rubbers (discounts are possible too)
says Looking for a bat that makes me faster
says Looking for a bat that makes me faster
Active Member
Jan 2023
I had some hits with glayzer 09c in Belgium butterfly store today. Only 2 minutes.

For me it didn't feel like the dignics 09c. Much more dead feeling and less catapult. Don't know what the thickness was and it was also not on my usual blade.
I would have expected the g09c to not be dead, since it is softer. So it is not fast at all then?
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Jan 2019
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From your photo the topsheet color looks quite opaque!
Not sure what you mean here, I don't really think it's opaque, and from the photo I don't really see any pips showing through the rubber, I think it might just be the lighting. What's your point of reference though? IMO Victas Triple Regular is what I would call opaque.
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Mar 2016
Not sure what you mean here, I don't really think it's opaque, and from the photo I don't really see any pips showing through the rubber, I think it might just be the lighting. What's your point of reference though? IMO Victas Triple Regular is what I would call opaque.
Just a small confusion I think, opaque means not able to be seen through.
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Jul 2014
Not sure what you mean here, I don't really think it's opaque, and from the photo I don't really see any pips showing through the rubber, I think it might just be the lighting. What's your point of reference though? IMO Victas Triple Regular is what I would call opaque.
Opaque, like solid, non-seethrough
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Jan 2019
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Sep 2020
I would have expected the g09c to not be dead, since it is softer. So it is not fast at all then?
Too me it wasn't fast. But I play viscaria with dignics 09c on fh. I tested the glayzer on a slow wooden blade.

It was only for 2 minutes. So don't read it to it too much.

Only thing I can say: it's no dignics 09c. That doesn't mean it's not good
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Sep 2013
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here is a review from someone from Taiwan
hope google translate works for you

[硬騎の無責任器材評測:Glayzer 系列。G力引爆]

測試膠皮:Butterfly Glayzer / Glayzer 09c
測試底版:VIS / 波爾、張本、奧恰ALC / 樊振東SALC、SZLC
自從蝴蝶發表了 Dignics 09c 之後,桌球器材也正式進入了大黏皮時代,各家大廠在這陣子相繼推出多款性能優異的微黏皮,讓廣大球友有更多的選擇及比較。經過這段期間的大亂鬥,蝴蝶終於在今年 3 月底推出了讓小弟期待很久的 Glayzer & Glayzer 09c (以下簡稱 G09c)。

正所謂人有失足,馬有失蹄~身為桌球器材指標的蝴蝶,偶爾也會有失策的時候,前陣子正式停產的 AIBISS 相信大家都不陌生,停產前還帶動一波絕版品的收藏潮。然而蝴蝶並沒有因此氣餒,有這次前車之鑒的寶貴經驗,讓蝴蝶在針對 Glayzer / G09c 的性能與定位,有更明確的調整優化方向~

未裁切的 Glayzer 重量約 68g,G09c 約 70g,蝴蝶標準拍面裁切後的重量 Glayzer 約 47g,G09c 約 48g~以重量來說算是親民的選擇。G 系列的面膠相當細膩,手指按壓及掂球的摩擦感強烈,但兩者的上膠結構卻有幾個不同之處,Glayzer 是長粒柱+薄頂膠的搭配,而 G09c 則是採用短粒柱結合較厚的頂膠。兩者各自搭配 38 度與 42 度的春天海綿 X,不得不說,黑色上膠搭配灰色海綿真是亂帥一把的。當然,內容為王~小弟抱著既期待又怕受傷害的心情,正式開打!

  • 發球 / 接發球 / 台內球:
得益於 G 系列的面膠磨擦能力,在發球上有著不俗的表現。發短球的旋轉充分且落點控制相當容易,不過發長衝球的速度略慢,突襲的威脅性相對較低。接發球與台內球的控制則是一大亮點,靠著 G 系列面膠相對比較不吃轉的特性,讓擺短、擰拉、挑打等技術發揮更加輕鬆,讓你可以把專注力放在後續的相持上。

  • 起板 / 攻拉球 / 中近台:
配上 38 度與 42 度的春天海綿 X,Glayzer、G09c 的實際擊球感受算是容易透板,起板的弧線穩定且手感忠實,攻、拉球進攻銜接都好上手。由於 G 系列回球的落點相對 Tenergy / Dignics 系列略短,需用撞磨結合的手法擊球可以催出更好的球質,在中近台的穩定進攻輸出是 G 系列的優勢之一。

  • 中遠台 / 反拉 / 借力防守:
G 系列在中遠台對拉的力量感沒有 T / D 系列那麼強勢,雖然發力打透的質量相對較低,不過得益於 G 系列面膠抑制旋轉的特點,在實戰中的上旋抗衡可以更從容的應對,中遠台的上台率也因此提高不少。借力防守的表現則是有利有弊,優點在於 G 系列回擊速度略慢所以防守控制輕鬆容易,但也因為回球速度較慢,若遇到連續強力進攻的話會比較被動。

作為一款蝴蝶中價位的膠皮,從一開始的不抱太大期望,到後來慢慢感受到 Glayzer、G09c 的特點及適合打法,讓我對於技戰術發揮有了更深一層的體會。以小弟自己為例,我既喜歡也很享受用 D09c、D05 狂抽猛送,那種暢快淋漓的舒服感受 (?)。但反過來說,性能越優異的膠皮,就需要越高越精準的發力條件去駕馭,如果比賽時狀態不夠好、或腳步不到位,也容易產生較多的失誤。所以當我用 Glayzer、G09c 打比賽的時候,那種安心感讓我可以自在地發揮大部分的技術,這對我來說更是難得可貴的~

Glayzer、G09c 這兩款膠皮的彈性 & 放大效應適中,整體手感忠實,用幾分力就給你幾分力的回饋~底板建議搭配整體彈性支撐較好的底板,如張繼科 SZLC、奧恰 & 波爾 ALC、樊振東 SALC 等。如果是正在使用 Rozena 或同類型膠皮的朋友,推薦嘗試 Glayzer。若是喜歡微黏膠皮的手感,希望更容易上手並兼顧控制的話,則必須試試看 Glayzer 09c。

綜觀來說~ Glayzer、G09c 雖沒有一擊必殺的極致暴力,但卻招招蘊含殺意,透過綿密不斷的主動進攻,相當適合中近台為主的弧快打法。器材選擇眼花撩亂,其中不乏性能頂標的膠皮,但真正適合自己的才能相得益彰~以價值定位而言,D 系列的性能表現依然是最高指標,但 G 系列確實走出了一條不同於前輩們的路。
Glayzer、Glayzer 09c,推薦給真正懂自己的你~