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I was there yesterday. Unlucky I could not Enter practise hall.Hi, Sali, are you watching it in person at the arena sometimes?
Look how he caused a powerful fzd trouble in the final, you may want to think again why zjk lost. Fegerl has certainly proved that he got huge potential.ZJK is still having trouble with his arm or wut? His play is not explosive and he often grabbed his elbow after a point.
Look how he caused a powerful fzd trouble in the final, you may want to think again why zjk lost. Fegerl has certainly proved that he got huge potential.
All the fans in the Chinese forum are talking about Fegerl's serves. Are these serves hidden?
It's very difficult to judge from camera POV, but when I first saw his serve I immediately had that thought. Then after a while, I was quite sure some are hidden.
ZJK lost the game because of his injury .. It was clear that he had sore in his right arm , but what about healthy FZD ?? Stefan put him in a bad trouble . it shows there aren't so much difference between injures ZJK and healthy FZD ...but Fegerl was fantastic indeed
lol what is this logic ? You will conclude also that Fegerl is better than Xu Xin since Xu Xin lost 4-2 to FZD ?
ZJK didn't lost because of an injury, he lost because he was inconsistent on his BH, making tons of errors with in serves returns. He also lost because Fegerl had insane backahnd block today. Same for FZD, he had very hard time dealing with Fegerl's serves and insane blocks.
Of course, once all his serves will be 200% analyzed, Fegerl will face much more difficulties, but it doesn't change the fact that his BH block is absolutely insane and he is showing a path for euro players : practice your block, you won't win against chinese by counter-looping.