Is the DHS Hurricane III Neo suited for slow spinny topspins?

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Apr 2014
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I'm not that satisfied with my FH rubber. It's not that great in the short game and doesn't have as much spin while serving as my Yasaka Mark V. However, its high elasticity allows me to execute slow spinny topspins and that helps me win a lot of points. How well does the DHS hurricane III fare in that aspect?

Edit: I have tried the Hurricane III briefly (3 minutes) and it seemed to be more suited to me as I try to brush the ball. However, I was playing against a really good opponent and I didn't have many chances to do a slow spinny topspin
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Yes. The sticky top sheet is the ideal weapon for brush loops. But bear in mind slow, spinny and usually high brush loops can only get you to a certain level. Its easy to counter-top spin or even just smashing it back if you know what youre doing.
Then again, if youre playing in, say, a local club amateur level, a long, spinny back spin serve followed up with a really spinny brush loop should be enough for you to beat most of the people there.
Also, H3 is very very ideal for serves and short play. Away-from-table need some adjustments with your power exertion due to the hard sponge and sticky surface.
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ja, diese Beläge funktionieren nicht ungetunt. Dafür brauchst du schon ein super schnelles Holz und nicht mal dann wirst du Spaß dran haben. Das Tuning aktiviert den Belag und macht ihn überhaupt erst spielbar. Die Bälle können dir sonst einfach beim Blocken abtropfen und dann versaust du dir deine Technik. 3 Schichten Tuning bringt so einen H3N überhaupt ersmtal auf Tenergy Niveau hoch und nur dann wenn du bisschen aktiv reingehst. D.h. wenn du sowas wie einen MX-P willst nur viel viel spinniger muss man schon 4-5 Schichten tunen. So viele Schichten sind zwar nicht notwendig, nur damit du die Verhältnisse kennst. Also ohne Tuning würde ich mit denen gar nicht anfangen, mit Tuning sind es natürlich die besten Beläge auf dem Markt.
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Apr 2014
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ja, diese Beläge funktionieren nicht ungetunt. Dafür brauchst du schon ein super schnelles Holz und nicht mal dann wirst du Spaß dran haben. Das Tuning aktiviert den Belag und macht ihn überhaupt erst spielbar. Die Bälle können dir sonst einfach beim Blocken abtropfen und dann versaust du dir deine Technik. 3 Schichten Tuning bringt so einen H3N überhaupt ersmtal auf Tenergy Niveau hoch und nur dann wenn du bisschen aktiv reingehst. D.h. wenn du sowas wie einen MX-P willst nur viel viel spinniger muss man schon 4-5 Schichten tunen. So viele Schichten sind zwar nicht notwendig, nur damit du die Verhältnisse kennst. Also ohne Tuning würde ich mit denen gar nicht anfangen, mit Tuning sind es natürlich die besten Beläge auf dem Markt.

Hi! Danke sehr! So gut bin ich auch nicht um einen Belag so schnell wie Tenergy zu spielen :) Ich spiele TT seit einem Jahr und jetzt spiele ich bei der Kreisklasse B. Ist dieser Belag immer noch nicht spielbar (ungetunt für mein Niveau ) oder soll ich lieber andere Beläge wie der Palio CJ8000 benutzen?

For the english speakers:

"Yes, these rubbers don't work at all without tuning. You need an extremely fast blade for untuned H3N and you probably still won't have fun with it. The tuning process activates the rubber and only then is it playable. The balls drop of the bat while blocking and you'll ruin your technique. You need 3 layers of tuning to make this rubber reach the level of Tenergy and around 4-5 layers of tuning if you want something like the MX-P but with more spin. You don't need so many layers, just so that you know the ratio/proportions. I wouldn't use these rubbers without tuning but after tuning these are the best rubbers on the market."

"Hi! Thanks a lot. I'm not that good enough to use a rubber as fast a Tenergy. I'm playing TT since last year and I'm currently playing in the Kreissklasse B. Is this rubber still not playable (untuned at my level) or should I rather use other rubbers like the Palio CJ8000?"
Hi! Danke sehr! So gut bin ich auch nicht um einen Belag so schnell wie Tenergy zu spielen :) Ich spiele TT seit einem Jahr und jetzt spiele ich bei der Kreisklasse B. Ist dieser Belag immer noch nicht spielbar (ungetunt für mein Niveau ) oder soll ich lieber andere Beläge wie der Palio CJ8000 benutzen?

For the english speakers:

"Yes, these rubbers don't work at all without tuning. You need an extremely fast blade for untuned H3N and you probably still won't have fun with it. The tuning process activates the rubber and only then is it playable. The balls drop of the bat while blocking and you'll ruin your technique. You need 3 layers of tuning to make this rubber reach the level of Tenergy and around 4-5 layers of tuning if you want something like the MX-P but with more spin. You don't need so many layers, just so that you know the ratio/proportions. I wouldn't use these rubbers without tuning but after tuning these are the best rubbers on the market."

"Hi! Thanks a lot. I'm not that good enough to use a rubber as fast a Tenergy. I'm playing TT since last year and I'm currently playing in the Kreissklasse B. Is this rubber still not playable (untuned at my level) or should I rather use other rubbers like the Palio CJ8000?"

Hurricane 3 Neo and the other neo rubber are definitely playable without boosting, however boosting drastically improves the rubber. :)
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For me personally, I can't stand any normal version of H3's, boosted or not. The quality control is way too unpredictable and the variation between each sheet of rubbers is bonkers.
Also its too hard and takes too much effort to produce a quality shot.
Even when using a national version of the H3N at 38 Degree/2.1mm orange sponge, I would still boost it. The sponge absorbs the ball so much better this way, creating lots of spin when you put some force into the shot.
Blue sponges/ 40 Deg orange sponges are basically unplayable without boosting.
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Nov 2010
Yes, H3 Neo works well for making slow spinny top spins.

I have 2 Samonov Alphas with H3N commercial on the FH.
I often need to make slow spinny top spins when the balls is served wide to my FH and I am hitting the ball a little late.

Also its too hard and takes too much effort to produce a quality shot.
I agree it takes more effort but not that much more and sometimes it is nice to have a slower setup when blocking fast balls. The extra effort must be done without making the stroke bigger which is a challenge.
I agree that unboosted H3 Neo is not the best for looping an counter looping back from the table. T05 shines playing back from the table a bit. However, most of us play close to the table where unboosted H3N works perfectly well and perhaps better because the rubber isn't that fast.
I have never felt the need for a faster rubber tan unboosted H3N but then I am normally a close to the table player.
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Sep 2013
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Thanks a lot for the replies everyone. Just one more question. How would you rate the speed of H3N vs a Mark V in Max thickness because I find that Mark V is fast enough for me.

One requires Chinese style technique, otherwise it will feel very slow
The spin generate from H3N is far more greater than Mark V, so it all depends on if you can adjust your stroke or not.
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Apr 2014
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There are hybrid rubbers between chinese and european style which work really well for average players, check out these: DHS Hurricane 3.50 or DHS Skyline 3.60.

I think this is going to suit you, because they are a little bit slower than Tenergys but with the same spin and good for an ALL - OFF game.

Danke Sehr!!
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Sep 2011
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ja, diese Beläge funktionieren nicht ungetunt. Dafür brauchst du schon ein super schnelles Holz und nicht mal dann wirst du Spaß dran haben. Das Tuning aktiviert den Belag und macht ihn überhaupt erst spielbar. Die Bälle können dir sonst einfach beim Blocken abtropfen und dann versaust du dir deine Technik. 3 Schichten Tuning bringt so einen H3N überhaupt ersmtal auf Tenergy Niveau hoch und nur dann wenn du bisschen aktiv reingehst. D.h. wenn du sowas wie einen MX-P willst nur viel viel spinniger muss man schon 4-5 Schichten tunen. So viele Schichten sind zwar nicht notwendig, nur damit du die Verhältnisse kennst. Also ohne Tuning würde ich mit denen gar nicht anfangen, mit Tuning sind es natürlich die besten Beläge auf dem Markt.

Haha, I like B.S.'s reply, main point bottom line up front right away in the first sentence so there is no doubt what he is talking about.

Street talk translation, Yo, this rubber ain't worth even half a stanky cow sh***t untuned.

Great stuff, that is exactly how one should organize thoughts and communicate.
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I agree it takes more effort but not that much more and sometimes it is nice to have a slower setup when blocking fast balls. The extra effort must be done without making the stroke bigger which is a challenge.
I agree that unboosted H3 Neo is not the best for looping an counter looping back from the table. T05 shines playing back from the table a bit. However, most of us play close to the table where unboosted H3N works perfectly well and perhaps better because the rubber isn't that fast.
I have never felt the need for a faster rubber tan unboosted H3N but then I am normally a close to the table player.

That depends on your definition of "a quality shot". For me thats a shot where its too fast/spinny even for an opponent to catch during a mid table rally.
I did explicitly say "For me personally"..... and that is about 1900~2000 TW TT rating. Not sure how that converts to your USATT rating. I am guessing a bit higher.

By the way, small strokes dont go well with chinese rubbers. In fact, smaller stokes =/= better.
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If you know how to press the ball on a hard sponge during spin then boosted or not you can play with H3. The question is "is it fake or not"

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At this point the imitations on TaoBao arent even trying anymore..... whats surprising is the amount of people falling for them....
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Sep 2013
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How do you boost the rubber?

It's illegal, so I can't tell you.
But someone else said - applying boosters to the sponge :)
You get TT boosters, or you can use some oils. Something easy and doesn't boost too much is like baby oil

Never the less, its pretty troublesome and long process (take days for it to try etc)